We have a wooden 6ft fence between myself and neighbours and on our side about 20 50ft fir trees, some have 3 foot trunks, planted before we lived there and not pruned! The trees are taking all the light, and are deceased and we have to take them down. I have started cutting back all growth I can reach (have a professional to do rest) and it is opening up us to the houses next door. We will hire a machine to get rid of the roots but I hate the fact that now our garden is so open to being watched by neighbours after being used to complete privacy
Can someone advise on shrubs which will grow maybe 10ft high, very quickly, which will grow in clay soil and also what I need to do to the soil to rejuvenate it. The bed gets sun about half the day as faces west. I would love to have large flowery shrubs which look pretty and i can then grow perannials in front of them and have a proper herbacious border but the garden books do not say how quickly the shrubs grow - I do not have a large budget as removing trees is proving expensive!
Can someone advise on shrubs which will grow maybe 10ft high, very quickly, which will grow in clay soil and also what I need to do to the soil to rejuvenate it. The bed gets sun about half the day as faces west. I would love to have large flowery shrubs which look pretty and i can then grow perannials in front of them and have a proper herbacious border but the garden books do not say how quickly the shrubs grow - I do not have a large budget as removing trees is proving expensive!