I have dreamed of having a Wisteria at our house and finally have bought a baby wysteria to plant. It's currently about 4 ft 'tall' with several tendrils looking for somewhere to hang on to. We bought some 'hammer in' line eyes and some proper fencing line which is nicely thick. The nursery had them in essentially a grow tunnel, so I am making efforts to harden it off before I plant it out.
Does anyone have any particular advice for us as newbie Wisteria owners? The man at the nursery said to ensure we trim it back from our drains and guttering, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem as there is very little of that near the location it'll be planted in.
I've been told Wisteria needs proper pruning - can anyone advise on the best practice for this?
Does anyone have any idea on growth rates - e.g. how much can I expect it to spread each year?
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone have any particular advice for us as newbie Wisteria owners? The man at the nursery said to ensure we trim it back from our drains and guttering, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem as there is very little of that near the location it'll be planted in.
I've been told Wisteria needs proper pruning - can anyone advise on the best practice for this?
Does anyone have any idea on growth rates - e.g. how much can I expect it to spread each year?
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated
