I have had some really strange plants coming up in my garden this year . I can only think that seeds have come in in compost or something . Plant 1 is stink cap fungus. I have never had this before and have been here for 34 years . This year I have dug up 18 eggs and 2 had grown the rather rude bit that stinks. Plant 2 . Is about 3ft high , one stem, green, has pointed leaves that have spikes along the underside of the main rib , the leaves are about 1ft long and where they join the stem they make cups to hold water in . Plant 3 , now this is the most amazing one , It is now 6ft tall , has velvet leaves that are wide and about 1 1/2 ft long and now has a flower spike on the top with small yellow flowers on that are flat open flowers . Where the leaves meet the stem there is a small group of leaves rather like armpits on tomatos . Before anyone says pic please I will try but as I have said before I'm not tech minded. Also the top of the big plant that we are calling " feed me " is bent over so I am waiting for it to straighten first . Had to post this though as so strange.