I know Gladioli are like Marmite, but I'm firmly in the "love" camp 
I've created a perennial border in our front garden and I need something tall to go at the back, so I'm planning to go with some Gladioli. The only thing is I'm sure I read that you need to dig them up and overwinter them out of the ground - but when I do a google search I can only find posts and advice from people in areas of the US who have long, cold winters.
Can we get away with keeping them in the ground in the UK in general? I live in East Anglia, so definitely not the coldest place in the UK (but cold enough last year!!!). Not sure I can face digging up and replanting each year, if it comes to that I'll go for something a bit less fussy

I've created a perennial border in our front garden and I need something tall to go at the back, so I'm planning to go with some Gladioli. The only thing is I'm sure I read that you need to dig them up and overwinter them out of the ground - but when I do a google search I can only find posts and advice from people in areas of the US who have long, cold winters.
Can we get away with keeping them in the ground in the UK in general? I live in East Anglia, so definitely not the coldest place in the UK (but cold enough last year!!!). Not sure I can face digging up and replanting each year, if it comes to that I'll go for something a bit less fussy
