Is this climate change or just part of a natural pattern? I live in Leicestershire and have a south west facing garden. I planted up my bulbs as usual in September in terracotta pots. I used the same brand multi compost from the garden centre 10 minutes down the road, watered them, put chicken wire over the top to stops our 3 cats making nests out of the pots and left them for the winter.
However, nearly all my bulbs have come up, nice strong green shoots and one particular pot that was a very sunny part of the patio is actually in flower. In fact they have done better and are far ahead of the indoor bulbs that I was growing for Christmas. These have very small green shoots just beginning to show.
Has this happened toi anyone else? and also will it mean that come spring all my bulbs will have died from frost over the winter?
However, nearly all my bulbs have come up, nice strong green shoots and one particular pot that was a very sunny part of the patio is actually in flower. In fact they have done better and are far ahead of the indoor bulbs that I was growing for Christmas. These have very small green shoots just beginning to show.
Has this happened toi anyone else? and also will it mean that come spring all my bulbs will have died from frost over the winter?
