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Morning Glory Problems


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  • #16
    A mixture of 50/50 growmore and powdered viagra dilited 25g to 5 litres of water once a week should have em standing proudly in no time.

    Sorry if offends but just couldnt resist


    • #17
      The growmore brings me out in a rash

      (people are used to me offending)
      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #18
        Perhaps you could try 'bonemeal' Nick?
        Into every life a little rain must fall.


        • #19
          This forum always has me laughing
          Dare I ask this........What is a *Morning Glory*
          Last edited by LaurenGrows; 25-04-2007, 12:19 PM.
          "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


          • #20
            Thought it was a song by 'Oasis', Lauren.
            If you have to ask perhaps you're too young to hear the answer!
            Into every life a little rain must fall.


            • #21
              Oh yes...*What's the story morning glory*
              Too young?.. ha ha.......That's made my day
              My eldest son is nearly 27
              Originally posted by SueA View Post
              Thought it was a song by 'Oasis', Lauren.
              If you have to ask perhaps you're too young to hear the answer!
              "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


              • #22
                You must have had a sheltered life then Lauren!
                Better get back to the flower subject or we'll get told off for 'chatting' in the wrong section. I do like Morning Glory (the flower), especially 'Heavenly Blue' & grew some lovely one's up a trellis a few years ago but have had problems with germination & the plants dying off when small the last few times I've tried. Got some free seeds recently so I'll give them a go, pre-soaking the seeds & trying to keep an eye on the seedlings.
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by LaurenGrows View Post
                  This forum always has me laughing
                  Dare I ask this........What is a *Morning Glory*
                  The boring and strict answer to your question is that Morning Glory is a climbing vine with large flowers, related to bindweed.

                  If you are going to grow it I recommend a large pot, tub or planter so that it is contained. It is not as vigorous as bindweed, and certaintly prettier, but why take chances!
                  The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                  • #24
                    Thanks TP...
                    "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


                    • #25
                      I know I'm letting myself in for a load on double entendres (seen other thread in chit chat) but I too have morning glory problems.

                      soaked them overnight etc etc, and placed them in the dark in the wardrobe. loads have germinated but I forgot about them (ten days) and they are very pale and weedy looking and about six inches tall! is there any way I can rescue them or will just putting in the light be enough for them to recover
                      Kernow rag nevra

                      Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
                      Bob Dylan


                      • #26
                        do take them out into the light yes, I'm sure they will recover nicely.
                        And let's face it.... now that they've germinated, they have TWO chances!!
                        Give them a nice Seaweed Liquid Feed, Pot them on, or whatever you feel is 'right' for them right now.
                        Honestly.... 'gut feeling' really plays quite a major part in growing your own stuff, and as you get more into it, and time goes by, you get more confident in 'rescuing' situations, or just 'winging it' along the way.
                        Try doing what your instinct 'tell you to do'. Be confident, and let's hear about the success you achieved later, no?!
                        If it's any help at all, we were all there at the start as well.
                        I stepped into my greenhouse today and the very first of the Morning Glory flowers had just opened.... It takes your breath away every time. And I knew probably less than you did a few years back.
                        Keep the plants at an 'ambient temperature', no draughts, no shock, if you can. Steady growing environment, and TLC. Don't over-water the compost either?
                        I hope you 'win through' and have a lovely disply,


                        • #27
                          Wow Flowers already Wellie! I'm still at the six leaf stage, but they look like coiled springs ready to sprint.
                          Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                          ~ Mary Kay Ash


                          • #28
                            There's buds on the others, but this one 'surprised me'!
                            It's just that every year (I'm a Scorpio?) I try to do better. And I just love to see if I can improve on what I learned last year. I'm learning all the time, and it's just such fun I can't help it!
                            Jennie, I grew a packeted 'Mixed' Variety, and it was a pale pink with a rose blob-marking on the petals that opened today, but this morning it looked ever so much more like 'heavenly blue'..... Will watch all of them with interest.
                            What variety are you growing this year?


                            • #29
                              I'm not sure Wellie, the seeds packets are in the greenhouse. But it is a very dark blue with a pink vein on it. Looked like the ones we see in Spain. Really looking forward to seeing them flower. My first clematis Montana flowers were out today. The plant is in the polytunnel so its a bit ahead of the outside one.
                              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                              ~ Mary Kay Ash


                              • #30
                                How lovely Jennie, we've got a fragrant pink one growing on the boundary between us and 'Elderly Next Door', a 'Montana'. I'll have to refresh my memory with the name of it, but it flowers at the same time as the Wisteria, and we're never sure which it is that is smelling so gorgous!
                                (and naturally, I mean the Montana or the Wisteria, NOT 'Elderly Next Door'!!)
                                Especially as he had his 'yearly bath' last night, whether he needed it or not. And he did specify this morning to me over my toast and coffee under the rusty arbour, that he was treating his broad beans to his 'last nights bath water as a treat' and then proclaimed that they'd probably die now!

                                I just 'Love him to bits'....


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