Rummaging through a final box of my mum's stuff - which has been stored in the lean-to barn for about five years - came across a rusty old biscuit tin containing several packets of flower seeds. Different sorts ranging from virginia and night scented stock, through Holly hock and annual Gypsophlia to a pack of various perennial alpine sorts (alyssum, Fairy Foxglove, sempervivium)
Some of the packs were sealed and all of them well passed their sow-by date - one of them was 1997!!!!
Well I've sown some of everything and am going to sit back and wait and see what happens. It'd be nice if they did come up as I know some of them were particular faves of Mum's
Anyone got any idea if I'll have some success??
Some of the packs were sealed and all of them well passed their sow-by date - one of them was 1997!!!!
Well I've sown some of everything and am going to sit back and wait and see what happens. It'd be nice if they did come up as I know some of them were particular faves of Mum's
Anyone got any idea if I'll have some success??