I bit the bullet today and cleared my front garden. It isn't very big, 6ft deep and the width of a terraced town house, but I really hate doing it. The soil isn't good, and to be honest I use all my compost on the allotment or on the back, where I can enjoy the benefits. It is south east facing too, so everything dries like concrete when we get sun. I'm aiming to allow my stipa grass to take over, so I leave any seedlings in. I've also got a couple of lavender bushes.
Anyway, 2 buckets of weeds and a carrier bag of litter later, I decided to plant out my overwintered geraniums. With the forecast wet and mild they should get their roots down and give a good show in the summer, splashes of colour between the grass. I know they are pretty tolerant of dry conditions once established, so I'm hoping I won't need to do much more out there except for a bit of weeding.
We hardly ever use the front door, but fronting onto a footpath we do get a lot of people passing by, so I do want to make a little bit of an effort.
Anyway, 2 buckets of weeds and a carrier bag of litter later, I decided to plant out my overwintered geraniums. With the forecast wet and mild they should get their roots down and give a good show in the summer, splashes of colour between the grass. I know they are pretty tolerant of dry conditions once established, so I'm hoping I won't need to do much more out there except for a bit of weeding.
We hardly ever use the front door, but fronting onto a footpath we do get a lot of people passing by, so I do want to make a little bit of an effort.