We have a gap between us and next door. Large enough for a long tallish planter. It will be situated in the corner between the kitchen wall and a fence panel. This space never sees the sun! It is not dark, but the sun just can't reach the space where it will be. So it's not shady, just not sunny. I've aquired a trellis and wondered if anyone knew of a climber (not ivy!) which would suit this position? Flowering preferably and scented if possible - I am asking a lot, but our neighbours fry a lot of food - everytime they open their back door phew! Like a chippie cooking in ancient dripping
I was hoping to try and obliterate the smell with scented plants! Or, I'm going to shove my arm over and squirt air freshener!! ...... Or, spy on them and when they go out, break in and change their oil! - I am not really going to do this! Don't report me!! lol
