Sorry but yet another question! I have a south facing garden but this means at the bottom I have a north facing fence. It is even more shady due to overhead trees. There is a small fence here, say four feet. Neighbour has a hedge there that grows to about 8-10 feet.
Sorry will get to question
The immediate area below is bare, slight heavy clay soil but I imagine quit rich.
I am thinking about putting 6 ft trellis along whole length to act as a better backdrop to garden and would love to grow an aggressive climbing flower on it. Think could look great but worried about lack of sun. Ideally it would also be great if kept leaves most if not all of the year so as not sad and bare in winter.
As is a decent length of fence, say 30ish feet I don't want to spend too much on plants, the reason I say aggressive! Also if there was a plant that would aggressively climb up fence and bush all the better! Ideally would want flowers and leaves from ground to say 6 ft
I expect there is not a plant that fulfils all the above but would love to hear any thoughts from those, unlike me, who have years of gardening experience rather than months! I am in no rush to do so happy to plan and plant at anytime over next several months depending on best time I.e. if better to sow from seed next year. Last point looking for a perennial as don't want to redo every year.
Sorry but yet another question! I have a south facing garden but this means at the bottom I have a north facing fence. It is even more shady due to overhead trees. There is a small fence here, say four feet. Neighbour has a hedge there that grows to about 8-10 feet.
Sorry will get to question

The immediate area below is bare, slight heavy clay soil but I imagine quit rich.
I am thinking about putting 6 ft trellis along whole length to act as a better backdrop to garden and would love to grow an aggressive climbing flower on it. Think could look great but worried about lack of sun. Ideally it would also be great if kept leaves most if not all of the year so as not sad and bare in winter.
As is a decent length of fence, say 30ish feet I don't want to spend too much on plants, the reason I say aggressive! Also if there was a plant that would aggressively climb up fence and bush all the better! Ideally would want flowers and leaves from ground to say 6 ft
I expect there is not a plant that fulfils all the above but would love to hear any thoughts from those, unlike me, who have years of gardening experience rather than months! I am in no rush to do so happy to plan and plant at anytime over next several months depending on best time I.e. if better to sow from seed next year. Last point looking for a perennial as don't want to redo every year.