We have a large field (50m x 50m) about that is used for nothing productive. It has plenty of wild ryegrass on it but nothing else but weeds.
I was thinking that it would be better to have as a meadow. Was wondering how this could be achieved.
Would we need to plough the field to kill the grass then sow with meadow or would just sowing it with a 'meadow mixture' be enough? Given the large size of field if I were to sow on an area is it likely that the meadow will spread and take over the whole field?
Anyone have any pointers?
I was thinking that it would be better to have as a meadow. Was wondering how this could be achieved.
Would we need to plough the field to kill the grass then sow with meadow or would just sowing it with a 'meadow mixture' be enough? Given the large size of field if I were to sow on an area is it likely that the meadow will spread and take over the whole field?
Anyone have any pointers?
