A while ago I posted that i'd gone a bit mad and bought a load of clematis, jasmine and passion flowers from J Parkers. They came I was not happy. They looked like they'd arrived to my house via the Sahara desert. These plants were �8-�12 each! Think if you'd gone to a garden centre and what size you'd get for that price, these looked like I'd rescued from the 50p bargain bin. I phoned and emailed and was told to plant them anyway. I did. They have lived, but my they are spindly, weak excuses for plants
One has finally given me a flower - it's the wrong Bl***y plant!
I've emailed back and am yet to receive a reply. Nearly �50 I spent, and that is such a lot of money, but I'd done overtime and had decided to spoil myself. I'm so mad. If I'd have gone to the local B&Q (other shops are available) I'd have had a fence full of flowers by now. As an �8-�12 plant is a big plant. I usually buy cheaper, smaller plants, but wanted a big impact and decided to spend more. What a mistake
Has anyone else had problems?
