My girlfriend and I had a lovely display last year from a tub of Pacific Lilies, which we we were given as a free bonus from somewhere or other - Sutton's, I think - and we now have yet another one this year. There was some initial doubt as to whether this would happen as we had a pretty nasty attack from Red Lily Beetles which was eventually repelled by lots of dusk and dawn patrols with very careful vigilance, and lots of 'Keep Off' warning signs posted in 10 or 12 different languages (Because we didn't know where the Beetles actually hailed from originally)*
Having survived the initial onslaught, and having seen our lovely lilies come into flower, we are now puzzled by lots of what can only be described as 'piles of poo' on the tops and undersides of lots of leaves. Do any of our fellow Forum members have a clue as to:
a) What these might actually be?
b) Whether this is anything at all to worry about?
c) How this should/could be treated?
d) There is no d)
e) Whether yet more signs ought to be made?
As usual with us two novices, any help would be enormously appreciated, and just might save us from further attack whilst we're both out grafting in the NHS during the day...
* One of these two statements isn't quite true
Having survived the initial onslaught, and having seen our lovely lilies come into flower, we are now puzzled by lots of what can only be described as 'piles of poo' on the tops and undersides of lots of leaves. Do any of our fellow Forum members have a clue as to:
a) What these might actually be?
b) Whether this is anything at all to worry about?
c) How this should/could be treated?
d) There is no d)
e) Whether yet more signs ought to be made?
As usual with us two novices, any help would be enormously appreciated, and just might save us from further attack whilst we're both out grafting in the NHS during the day...

* One of these two statements isn't quite true