I have a few deciduous perennials in 4L pots which are in flower and active growth at the moment. I bought these young plants in March in 9cm/1L pots.
They have all grown well and I realise that they are starting to become root bound - I can see some visible presence of roots through the bottom drainage holes - however the roots are not coming out of drainage holes yet. I have read so many suggestions but I am still unclear when to repot into a large container on my patio ?
Post-flowering in Autumn which will help protect roots over winter or next spring?
Do perennials exhibit root growth during dormant period?
I am concerned about potting on now so as to disturb the rootball whilst in active growth. I presume that given the fact they are growing and producing flowers they are happyish plants at the moment...????
They have all grown well and I realise that they are starting to become root bound - I can see some visible presence of roots through the bottom drainage holes - however the roots are not coming out of drainage holes yet. I have read so many suggestions but I am still unclear when to repot into a large container on my patio ?
Post-flowering in Autumn which will help protect roots over winter or next spring?
Do perennials exhibit root growth during dormant period?
I am concerned about potting on now so as to disturb the rootball whilst in active growth. I presume that given the fact they are growing and producing flowers they are happyish plants at the moment...????