Iam gratefull forany advice regarding a climbing or rambling rose to plant.i have an area infront of patio door which gets some sun(2-3)hr/day,the problem is there are some leylandii growing there so lots of roots and poor soil that i have added some topsoil to few weeks ago.iam assuming that rose will be climbing on leylandii .is it an impossible dream ?advice please .g
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climbing rose
I love roses i have neary 50 in my garden.
The 2 climbers i like is:
1) Paul's Himalayan Musk
2) Handel Rose
Have a look at David Austin, Peter Beales or Harkness Roses for more info.
Most roses do well in poor soil you could dig a hole and put the rose in a bottomless box to protect the roots from the trees and put some chicken pellets in the bottom or what i use compost with manure in and you rose will be fine the box will break down in a year or so when the rose is growing.
Pm me if you have a ebay account i know a rose seller i have purchased most of my roses from her, I think she has a Handel rose for about �6.25 inc delivery. and they are super plants i never had a problem with them.Last edited by brogusblue; 28-05-2007, 10:04 PM.
Hello Goddess, yes I think a rose for a largely sunless position would be an impossible dream if it wasn't for Zepherin Drouhin. This rose will grow and do quite well on a north facing wall where there is very little sunshine, it does lovely pink flowers, is beautifully scented and best of all - it is thornless. I would give it a try. It does well for me.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Yes a cardboard box a little larger than the rootball of the rose, This also a good tip if you have a rose that's died and the you can do the cardboard box trick and it stops rose replant disease. If you are going to do this remove the tape and staples. I have done his twice in my garden the the roses are romping away.
I'd echo Alice's recommendation for Zeph Droughin, a lovely deep pink and scented rose - I had this in my old garden and I ran a large flowered pale blue/purple clematis through it too. (Silver haired moment, can't remember the name!) The contrast was gorgeous. They were on the north side of an arch - not much sunlight, and both did well.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
I have a Zepherine Drouhaine too. Beautiful scent. Mine is growing in a large pot and is to be trained up the front of the house. (Large pot is due to no soil close to the wall of the house and so that the plant can be moved for house painting.)
Maybe you could try a rose in a large pot too - save the hassle of digging in the tree roots and if it seemed to be suffering you could move it about.Happy Gardening,
Personally I would not plant a rose (except Zeph which is virtually thornless) anywhere where people are likely to walk, because of the thorns. I am at present nursing a very sore spot caused by a Rosa moysii which decided to fall over as I walked past. It is now Dead!.
Clematis would grow better in the situation you describe.
I have Zepherine Droughin as well it's a stunner. there is also a sport called Kathrine Harrop ( or Kathleen) . Also I used to have a some of the Austin English roses in a simialr positin and a lot of these are availa ble as Climbers.
The ones I had were:-
The Prince
Brother Cadfael
Geoff Hamilton (I had to have this one really didn't I)
along side these I have Ferdinand Pichard
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