Hi All
I have a clematis burma star, in a pot that has suffered rather badly from all the wind we had end of last year. It is a prune code 2 so flowers on new and old wood. Thing is when I went to check on it today, it is all growing and flowering off one rather mangled looking stem. I dont want to lose it if I can help it...
Would it be ok to cut it right back to the ground level towards the end of the year? We have sold our place and looking for a new place with a larger garden and I am hoping to get it into the ground as soon as I am able...
Anyone got any advice please...
I have a clematis burma star, in a pot that has suffered rather badly from all the wind we had end of last year. It is a prune code 2 so flowers on new and old wood. Thing is when I went to check on it today, it is all growing and flowering off one rather mangled looking stem. I dont want to lose it if I can help it...
Would it be ok to cut it right back to the ground level towards the end of the year? We have sold our place and looking for a new place with a larger garden and I am hoping to get it into the ground as soon as I am able...
Anyone got any advice please...