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Flower of the Month and the Runners-up


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  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    Has to be the Phormiums/New Zealand Flax. There are 2 of them, one plain and one variegated and I had them from Freecycle 10 years ago, when they were quite small!

    Impressive VC. I have just bought a small one and if it gets to be half as good as yours, I'm onto a winner.



    • They seem to thrive on neglect, Rob. Never fed or watered them. I pulled a side shoot off one of them and I know I need to give it plenty of room to grow when I plant it out.


      • Erigeron karvinskianus is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by the common names Mexican fleabane
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        One of my all time favorites in the garden, gently self-seeding its self around in sunny nooks and crannies - it could easily carry the title" plant of the month" from April until November as it flowers continuously all year
        �It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur� � Meridel Le Sueursigpic

        "We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
        - Joni Mitchell


        • ^^^ I fancy some of those!


          • I know it as Spanish Daisy and its spreading itself across the drive paving rather too enthusiastically. Keep having to hoe it off


            • Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
              Dwarf sunflower sunspot,beautiful flowers & a view from the house to see them again
              That looks beautiful


              • Dwarf morning glory (Convolvulus tricolor) Royal Blue Ensign- annual
                Just loving the vivid blue colour of this pretty long flowering annual in the garden today, photo doesn't do it justice
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                �It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur� � Meridel Le Sueursigpic

                "We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
                - Joni Mitchell



                • Sunflower must be flower of the month. This one being held up by my wife. They were planted in a new asparagus bed due to lack of space.

                  But what is the problem with the Cosmos she is stood behind in the second picture? It must think Summer will last for ever and it doesn't need to hurry up and flower. You can see the sunflower from the first picture in the background of the second. The sweet peas are coming to the end now but have been flowering all summer.
                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by Mark_Riga View Post
                    But what is the problem with the Cosmos she is stood behind in the second picture? It must think Summer will last for ever and it doesn't need to hurry up and flower
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                    I have the Cosmos with the same reluctance to flower this year too Mark_R- It has been said that it could be down to planting in too rich a soil, as they then tend to concentrate putting on lots and lots of green growth but no flower buds. It did happen to me once before- they were like triffids - but i enoyed blooms till almost the end of October, but it was a mild year that year with no early hard frosts - fingers crossed we'll have the same this year and we'll both have lovely late blooms again
                    Last edited by BeeHappyFlutterBy; 02-09-2017, 01:26 PM.
                    �It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur� � Meridel Le Sueursigpic

                    "We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
                    - Joni Mitchell



                    • Ah! Sun-flower

                      Sunflower -multi headed "Autumn Beauty"

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                      Ah! Sun-flower
                      BY WILLIAM BLAKE
                      Ah Sun-flower! weary of time,
                      Who countest the steps of the Sun:
                      Seeking after that sweet golden clime
                      Where the travellers journey is done.

                      Where the Youth pined away with desire,
                      And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow:
                      Arise from their graves and aspire,
                      Where my Sun-flower wishes to go.
                      �It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur� � Meridel Le Sueursigpic

                      "We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
                      - Joni Mitchell



                      • Flowers of the month dahlias & nasturtium climbing the swing frame,the yellow flowers are so beautiful I don't know if it's because the weathers so grey but they brighten up this area lovely.

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                        Location : Essex


                        • Flowers of the month are everything flowering now,took these photos yesterday the nemesia & geraniums are next to the house out of the frosty areas. The calendulas hard down by the shed,I dug that out my raised bed when I was clearing the tomato plants & planted it in this bucket,it must like it,some leaves have mulched it too. The French marigold was mulched with a load of spare compost last month to give it a bit more warmth. They're all Ive got flowering at the moment,survived about four frosts & doing well for December I thought

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                          Location : Essex


                          • My Roses are still in bud and would have opened I think, but there's a big dollop of snow coming at the end of the week so they say.


                            • My hyacinths are in flower now & they�re flower of the month the first purple bulb has one & a half heads with flowers still opening,they smell gorgeous

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ID:	2376484
                              Location : Essex


                              • May tulips

                                These tulips are my flower of the month, I think they're absolutely gorgeous! Pity I have no idea what variety they are!

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ID:	2378164


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