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  • My chrysanthemums have tiny black bags and ants... well it didn't take me long to realize these are chrysanthemum aphids, and the ants are milking them! I am going to try and spray them with water tomorrow. I do feel a bit bad for the ants, they don't usually bother me, and I want them to have food, but I would be much happier if they all go and do their thing somewhere else and not on my flowers!


    • Well all my chrysanths have been slaughtered and repotted. Fingers crossed they throw up cutting material. It really does feel horrible and scary cutting them up It will be nice in years to come where I don't have to think about it.


      • Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
        Well all my chrysanths have been slaughtered and repotted. Fingers crossed they throw up cutting material. It really does feel horrible and scary cutting them up It will be nice in years to come where I don't have to think about it.
        I did mine in early December. I took off all the green growth to make sure there were no bugs or moulds on them and put them into JI no. 1 with some added sand. They are already starting to show growth from the base so I'm hopeful for next year.

        I must order some extra varieties soon. I think I'll try a different supplier - Chrysanthemums Direct have given me good quality plants at a good price, but they have sent me a mislabelled variety both times I've used them. In 2016 an early intermediate variety turned out to be a late single and the weather spoiled the blooms. I'll drop them an email explaining.
        My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
        Chrysanthemum notes page here.


        • ^^^My fantasy ones from there are nice but haven't come anywhere near to the pics. I am tempted to get more but I have a lack of space and always seem to be drawn to similar ones.

          If mine come to anything you are more than welcome to some.


          • I have plants boxed up in four seedtrays. The un-named ones are outdoors and seem to be fairing better than the named ones boxed up in the summerhouse.I wonder though if we get a sharp frost whether it will put paid to the outdoor soft cuttings.
            Think I might bring them indoors this afternoon. Cuting are already 1/2" to 1" high without any bottom heat!
            I might even try a tray on the window sill to see if cutting material grows quicker. Top of the head I have aboput nine named varieties and maybe three un named varieties.

            Mine were all on the late side and suffered for it. This year i will maybe pot some up and bring them indoors for christmas flowering.

            I think the reason why mine are so far advanced is because of the autumn leaf fall from surrounding trees giving a 2 inch mulch in which the cutting material thrived.
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • Mine are in the cold greenhouse. I want to keep them as cool as possible so that they don't come on too fast. I'm away for all of February and won't be able to take cuttings till early March.
              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


              • Late coming to this thread, but my wife would like some 'sanths, will read this from start to finish and take it from there.
                Planning to grow in large clay pots(maybe just 2) then put outside in summer and back in cold greenhouse later, is that correct?


                • Originally posted by burnie View Post
                  Late coming to this thread, but my wife would like some 'sanths, will read this from start to finish and take it from there.
                  Planning to grow in large clay pots(maybe just 2) then put outside in summer and back in cold greenhouse later, is that correct?
                  There isn't a correct way, but it does sound a good way to go


                  • You could try John Peace chrysanthemus, see i/net. I have used him & very satisfied. He is a National champion winner.


                    • Originally posted by burnie View Post
                      Late coming to this thread, but my wife would like some 'sanths, will read this from start to finish and take it from there.
                      Planning to grow in large clay pots(maybe just 2) then put outside in summer and back in cold greenhouse later, is that correct?
                      That's a great way to grow the late-flowering Chrysanth varieties, they flower in November/December when the weather has got too nasty and spoils the flowers if you leave them outside.

                      Early flowering varieties (August-September) don't need to come back in again, you can either leave the pots outside or plant them out in the ground in late Spring - that's what I do on the allotment. If you get a rainstorm at the wrong moment some of the flowers can spoil, but that's a risk I take in exchange for being able to be more relaxed about the watering.
                      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                      • This year I will be growing some of the supposed mid varieies in pots as last year they flowerd late? It was probably due to me taking cuttigs late and not disbudding. At least I'll be able to get them under glass and enjoy the flowers.
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • I think it is probably more for me next year than anyone else but just found and I don't think anyone has mentioned them.


                          • Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                            I think it is probably more for me next year than anyone else but just found and I don't think anyone has mentioned them.
                            Just up the road from me, but appear to be very expensive.
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • When taking your cutting material do you worry about leaving any green showing through on the plant or not?

                              Just worried about depleting the plant before it even starts

                              Thank you as always


                              • Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                                When taking your cutting material do you worry about leaving any green showing through on the plant or not?

                                Just worried about depleting the plant before it even starts

                                Thank you as always

                                Some of the cuttings I take are so low down on the plants crown, they sometimes have a bit of root already attached.
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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