I thought it would be nice to have a thread for sowing flower seeds, separate from the seed sowing thread already running, which is more of a veg specific one.
Veggiechicken is doing an alphabetical one http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ers_83722.html, but I'm not organised enough for that and come spring quite a lot of seeds are just broadcast.
So today I have sown indoors:
Sweet peas (4 varieties)
Cupid's Dart
I don't hold out much hope for the sweet peas or verbascum as they are T&M and I never seem to succeed well with their seed.
Veggiechicken is doing an alphabetical one http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ers_83722.html, but I'm not organised enough for that and come spring quite a lot of seeds are just broadcast.
So today I have sown indoors:
Sweet peas (4 varieties)
Cupid's Dart
I don't hold out much hope for the sweet peas or verbascum as they are T&M and I never seem to succeed well with their seed.
