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  • Nasturshams

    Can anyone help? I planted nasturshams from seed about a month ago and I have many leaves but no flowers. Is this normal? Do I need to wait or do I need to do something to get the flowers to grow? Thanks

  • #2
    I'm no expert, David, but I think that if nasturtiums are on ground that is too 'good', they will produce load of leaves and no flowers.

    I think I may be in the same boat as you - I read that they are good companian plants, and that they can be eaten, so I sowed seed at the Hill and they look great....but no flowers yet.


    • #3
      Mine have only a few flowers but a good crop of leaves. I'm going to start eating those.
      Bright Blessings

      If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


      • #4
        Don't worry - the flowers will follow!

        Don't feed the plants - you will get more flowers if they are grown 'hard'

        The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


        • #5
          Don't cosset them. Just let them get on with it and they will produce flowers in their own good time.


          • #6
            Hello Davido, your nasturtiums will flower in their own time - any day now I would think.
            I know the conventional wisdom says grow them in rubbish ground and don't feed them and they will flower better. My experience has been the better the ground, the better they flower.

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #7
              I put my seeds in the ground and waited,first of all I had leaves it took a while for the flowers to appear. They will also self seed next year


              • #8
                Mine self-seed every year. I always pull up the common orange ones, keeping everything else. This year I am pleased to have crimson; peach and lemon shades. Would love a white one!
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Oh - I'm just the same - been waiting ages and have leaves all over the place! Planted from seed probably 6 weeks ago or more now.

                  Biggest plants just starting to show signs of buds this past week.


                  • #10
                    You will have a big flush of leaves before the flowers come, but come they will. Mine are looking gorgeous at the monent. I don't do subtle and these are great - a real splash of colour.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      Two sheds, did'nt know you could get white Nasturtiums?

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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