I've bought a load of bulbs that I am planting today but just looking up on if I need to do anything before I plant them and on the RHS website it says I should lift them every year 6 weeks after planting. Yet the guy 3 doors off me has loads in his garden that come every year and he doesn't lift his. We have loamy clay soil here but where I am putting mine the area has masses of tiny stones so I don't think drainage would be a problem.
I can't be bothered to lift them every year, there will be to many and that area of the garden I just wanna put something in that will come every year.
Do you lift your tulips?
Am I wasting my time?
I can't be bothered to lift them every year, there will be to many and that area of the garden I just wanna put something in that will come every year.
Do you lift your tulips?
Am I wasting my time?