Now please remember when it comes to flowers I am a complete numpty, can just about tell a rose from a dandelion.
The granddaughter bought SWMBO an orchid plant for her birthday
and of course SWMBO wants to look after it so
(1) The instructions say to cut back the main stems to within 100m of the compost after flowering, would this be correct?
(2) Its in a clear plastic pot which sits in a pottery vase, you can clearly see the root system and it is obvious it is ready for potting on. Can I assume the clear pot is just a money saver and that I can pot on into an ordinary plant pot?
(3) Do I need a special compost of will MPC do the job?
I need help if I get this one wrong I ain't go to hear the last of it.

The granddaughter bought SWMBO an orchid plant for her birthday

(1) The instructions say to cut back the main stems to within 100m of the compost after flowering, would this be correct?
(2) Its in a clear plastic pot which sits in a pottery vase, you can clearly see the root system and it is obvious it is ready for potting on. Can I assume the clear pot is just a money saver and that I can pot on into an ordinary plant pot?
(3) Do I need a special compost of will MPC do the job?
I need help if I get this one wrong I ain't go to hear the last of it.
