Looking for any hints on planting a wheelbarrow load of bulbs, tubers, corms etc.
I took up a special offer of 200 mystery bulbs for �10 - and they've arrived
Feeling a bit overwhelmed now!
120 Gladioli
20 Gladioli nanus
12 dwarf lilies
6 dahlias
3 Gloxinias
20 begonias (trailing and ordinary)
3 caladium
a tray of Acidanthera & babiana.
Whilst I've grown gladies, lilies and begonias before, dahlias, gloxinias and caladium are new to me - and I'd never heard of Babiana (which are eaten by baboons
Pleae, if you've grown these, which ones need to be dug up for overwintering, or are better planted in pots and brought inside before the frosts.
I took up a special offer of 200 mystery bulbs for �10 - and they've arrived

Feeling a bit overwhelmed now!
120 Gladioli
20 Gladioli nanus
12 dwarf lilies
6 dahlias
3 Gloxinias
20 begonias (trailing and ordinary)
3 caladium
a tray of Acidanthera & babiana.
Whilst I've grown gladies, lilies and begonias before, dahlias, gloxinias and caladium are new to me - and I'd never heard of Babiana (which are eaten by baboons

Pleae, if you've grown these, which ones need to be dug up for overwintering, or are better planted in pots and brought inside before the frosts.