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540 plug plants cheap, but no labels


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  • 540 plug plants cheap, but no labels

    Succumbed to this offer last week:
    Extra Value Bedding Plants - Collection - Blooming Great Savings You Can Bank On - Reader Offers - Suttons Seeds and Plants

    Received these today in the post:


    Can you peeps identify what plants they are please?

    The blurb said at least 9 varieties from the following selection:
    �Begonia Ambassador Mix - Unlike President, Ambassador produces plants which all have rich green foliage. Very striking! Height 20cm (8").
    �Begonia President Mix - A good range of flower colours, some plants having fresh green leaves and others boasting deep bronze leaves. Height 20cm (8").
    �Cineraria Silverdust - A popular foliage item that is compact and uniform in growth, and makes the perfect foil for strong or pastel colours. Height 15-20cm (6-8").
    �Gazania Daybreak Mix - Large blooms, in a range of bright shades, are held on sturdy stems above glossy green foliage. Height 25-30cm (10-12").
    �Impatiens Select Mix - A large-flowered mixture which grows vigorously, comes into flower quickly and blooms profusely in sun or shade. Height 20cm (8").
    �Lobelia Cascade Mix - A free-flowering mixture, for baskets, containers or even as groundcover. Note that each plug contains approximately 3-4 seedlings. Trailing.
    �Antirrhinum F1 Kim Mix - An excellent dwarf, compact, well branching habit with blooms in a dazzling array of colours. Height 25cm (10").
    �Salvia Firecracker - This early flowering variety produces densely packed flower spikes, and deep green foliage. Height 25cm (10").
    �Petunia F1 Select Mix - A weather-resistant multiflora variety, in a wide range of colours producing a carpet of flowers. Height 23-30cm (9-12").
    �Petunia F1 Duo Double Mix - Carnation-like double blooms up to 13cm (5") across, that stand up well to inclement weather. Height 30cm (12").
    �Nicotiana F1 Perfume Mix - A bedding nicotiana with a full colour range and beautiful scent, that will bloom for months. Height 35-40cm (14-16").
    �Stock Sugar & Spice - A first-class bedding stock. Good proportion of double flowers. Delicious sweet fragrance. Height 20-25cm (8-10").

    Thank you muchly,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Welcome to the Plug Nutters Club, Pete
    I was very tempted by that offer but didn't realise they'd be anonymous plugs! is there a sticker on the trays somewhere?

    Picture 1 Bottom row L-R 2 trays of begonias.

    Not really sure about the others but don't think you have cineraria.
    Not much help


    • #3
      "didn't realise they'd be anonymous plugs! is there a sticker on the trays somewhere?"

      None whatsoever, nor any contents list.


      • #4
        How odd! It even says in the offer that they'll be individually labelled
        In the 2nd photo I think the long straggly leaves may be gazania and the top right little ones could be lobelia.


        • #5
          Top picture top left - petunias. I was going to say verbena for top right but they're not on your list!
          Agree with two lots of begonias for bottom row then antirrhinum.
          Bottom picture
          Top row - left nicotiana, right lobelia
          Bottom row - left gazania, ? Then petunias then ?

          Hope that helps!


          • #6
            I think..... Picture 1 back row l to r stocks, salvia
            Front row l to r begonia begonia petunia antirhinum

            Picture 2 back row l to r nicotinia lobelia
            Front row l to r gazania impatiens ? Petunia cinereria

            I may be wrong but hope that helps.
            Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


            • #7
              It even says in the offer that they'll be individually labelled.
              Yes, I've complained to them about it.


              • #8
                I am surprised that offer wasn't taken up by one of the Grapes, if I remember someone was talking about planting a long border, so that offer would be ideal, I will scratch about to find out who it was.
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • #9
                  I believe that particular grape wanted summat a bit taller and perennial. I could be mistaken of course


                  • #10
                    Thanks for your replies so far.
                    Here are clearer pictures in case it helps:

                    One (Salvia)

                    Two: (Antirrhinum)
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Three Petunia

                      Four Petunia
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Five Begonia

                        Six Begonia
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Seven Gazinia

                          Eight Impatiens
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Nine Nicotinia

                            Ten Cineraria
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Eleven Lobellia

                              Twelve Stocks

                              Does this make it clearer to anyone?
                              Thanks In Advance,
                              Attached Files


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