Hi, has anyone grown a standard wisteria from scratch. I would love to have a go but don't really know what to do
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Standard/tree wisteria
Not from scratch, but a layered cutting that was about 1m length when removed. I had it in a pot with regular garden soil initially, but I've now got it in a very generous container (don't know the exact volume but it was originally selling for �110 - reduced to �15 because it had a crack in the base. Thank you fibre glass repair kit). Anyway, I've got it in loamy soil, and feed it when it's flowering. It needs a lot of water to thrive. When I put it in it's current home, I was annoyed with myself in that I neglected to put proper drainage in the base of the container, just a few small holes, but in hindsight it's probably a good thing that the pot doesn't drain freely.
So I've not really answered your question, Bal, but perhaps that helps a bit
I have a small, young wisteria in a pot that is really not big enough, but it's waiting for me to break up the concrete along the south facing fence (that is also broken and needs to be replaced) before planting it in its final place. They like the warmth and water, I've been told, hence waiting to plant it until it can go in the best place for it in the garden
I first saw "tree" wisterias at Hidcote Manor and thought what a wonderful way it was of growing them. They look far more beautiful than a wisteria on a wall, don't they? But I have no idea how to go about producing one.
Definitely a stout stake until the trunk is thick enough to support itself, then I guess it's all in the pruning.
If I had room for a wisteria, that's how I'd like to grow it, unless I had masses of room, in which case I'd want a wisteria tunnel.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
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