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Hampton court flower show...


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  • Hampton court flower show...

    Visited yesterday. Just lovely! Though gardens a bit disappointing. Nothing desperately memorable this year. Gorgeous cottage garden planting in many though. School scarecrows hilarious.
    Rose tent divine.
    It's such a great day out ( including picnic and Pimms but we took our own)
    Great day out though a bit pricey. Pimms �27.50 a jug. Er maybe not.
    Did anyone else go?

  • #2
    I love Hampton Court show, but I'm giving it a miss this year because I did Chelsea and 2 shows in 1 year is too much. I'm gritting my teeth and watching the BBC coverage instead.

    The sister-in-law is going today though.
    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


    • #3
      My parents live a short walk from there and have accommodated some of the trade stand workers for the last 5-10 years or so. They took my Mrs and our children on Monday and had a lovely time!


      • #4
        My mum went on Monday with local school gardening group - schools apparently can apply to go on press day. Said the children loved it & had fun watching presenters do their bits to camera
        Another happy Nutter...


        • #5
          I went on Tuesday. I had a great time with my son's partners' mother.
          The butterfly dome was one of my favourites. Loved the Floral Tent but ran out of time for the roses. Spent 7 hours there and enjoyed very minute of it and I too had a glass of Pimms, would have been rude not to. I also spent far too much money there too. I could not believe the number of trolleys being pulled about with loads of plants etc in them.
          I liked the Hampton Court show better than Chelsea but agree the show gardens were a lot better at Chelsea. I think it is more relaxed at Hampton Court. It was my first year doing both.


          • #6
            Went yesterday with my sister. We had a good time and a good natter.


            • #7
              We went today - so much for cloudy dull weather, my nose is shining like a beacon.

              I really enjoyed the show gardens - key flowers repeating in everything seemed to be blue thistles and frothy pointy flowers. (Pls note my wonderful horticultural terms)

              It is getting a bit samey and the veg and fruit were very much in the back seat this year, despite the massive cook and eat marquee, but it's still a lovely day out, especially with the boat ride along the Thames. Definitely taking a picnic & Pimms rucksack next year.
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


              • #8
                Ooh lovely to hear your responses re my Hampton Court question.
                As always there was really good entertainment plus loads more seating too this year. Soooo much to see. The butterfly tent was worth the wait and free. One escaped and floated by my husbands face but was thankfully recaptured. There's been a theme in past years in the Rose tent which sadly there wasn't his year. (About three years ago it was a fabulous 50s theme and even the laid out afternoon tea was made from flowers.)
                My friend went Friday. We thought Country living tent Zzzzzzzzz this year very mundane. , and aghast to see sausages cooking next to folk selling clothes, such was the food proximity to non food items. The food should be in with the cook and grow it would be a nice separate feature then. . Much more veg on show would be nice too.. Community veg growing project was superb. What a great way to help folk eat well and give to the community,and meet folk whilst gardening. Disappointed to see rather a lot of of .... Er how can I put this nicely... Stalls with obviously cheap imported toot.,still I guess if it sells...
                I used to be seduuced by all the gorgeous eyes plants but I'm very restrained now and try to buy carefully
                as it's easy to get carried away then see the same in your local nursery weeks later at a fraction of the price,but hey ho it's all part of th experience. The amount of folk with Verbena Bonansiaris (sorry can't spell it ) you know the tall lilac/ purple one. Was staggering.! It's growing like a weed since I introduced it in my garden, I could have cleaned up financially on that one alone ha ha.
                So if anyone's in the area and undecided next year if they should go or not, DO!! It's the biggest annual flower show in the world and absolutely delightful. Just remember your picnic and take your own Pimms! ....oh and comfy shoes, boy will you need those comfy shoes. �� not these ��


                • #9
                  Went Wednesday, have been going since it was first started by Network Southeast. Tickets are a bit steep but the Wrinkly Passes saved us the train fares.
                  Loved the displays in the Floral Marquee. Rose tent bit disappointing. So many roses albeit pretty had no or very little scent.
                  Some plant prices were OTT. There were crassula Bhudas Temple for �10. Next day at a BCCS meeting someone was selling fractionally smaller ones for �1!
                  Got some nice erodiums at a reasonable price and the lady even threw in a free white campanula after I'd told her mine always died (as do my verbena). Blue ones grow like weeds.
                  Had some disgusting coffee. Could have done with a cider but I'm not paying �5 for a 60p can.
                  Overall though it was a good day out.
                  Anyone else noticed the dangerous drop to the platform at Clapham Junction? I nearly fell;grabbed someone on platform to save myself. Then we had to lift a little old lady with a stick off the train. Where are health and safety when you need them?
                  Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                  • #10
                    Blimey DannyK sounds like you'd a near miss at he station. You're a kind soul lifting old ladies off trains. (No it wasn't me ha ha)
                    Yes prices steep. You tkt covers quite a bit and I guess you've to add on security etc.
                    Our coffee was nice but at �3.30 it needs to be!
                    What's an Erodium? Also what's a Crassula.
                    Yes as I also said I try to resist buying plants as you can buy cheaper. They do pay a huge amount for their stalls though. I know of one couple who sell decorative garden items and their stall alone is �9,000 for the duration of the show. Factor in all the other expenses and no wonder they can get pricey.
                    Despite it odd failings I love the day though.
                    Last edited by bobbin; 13-07-2016, 11:42 AM.


                    • #11

                      The first two are the erodiums (related to geraniums)and the last is my crassula, related to money plants seen in most Chinese takeaways.

                      The price still rankles, especially as the RHS have cut down on their shows at Victoria.
                      Attached Files
                      Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                      • #12
                        The flowers might have been a bit overpriced, but the very lovely Pennard Plants were offering stuff at really good prices in the Cook&Grow tent. I saw a szechuan pepper plant there for �19. Mine was �33 including postage (�25 without but unfortunately it couldn't make its own way to me), and was less than half the size. Am looking forward to their stall at Seedy Sunday Brighton next year - all the spuds I got from them are doing really well.

                        And yes, Clapham. All the tracks are on reverse camber (no idea why!) so the gap is pretty large, whereas most other stations tilt you slightly to the platform. I remember being warned when I first started commuting and SWT had slam-door trains. Wow, I sound/am old!
               - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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