I recieved a free packet of T&M preennial flower seed mixture when I bought another two packets of seed.
I diligebntly sowed them in a seed tray without covering the seed as directed.
This is what I've got :-
Growing Instructions :- Transplant seedlings, when large enough to handle into 3 inch pots!
There must be 1000 seedlings there and the seed packet has over 50 perennnial flower varieties in it.
Anyone recognise anything there?
I've got the list and will check it off and pot it up if you give me directions!

I diligebntly sowed them in a seed tray without covering the seed as directed.
This is what I've got :-
Growing Instructions :- Transplant seedlings, when large enough to handle into 3 inch pots!

There must be 1000 seedlings there and the seed packet has over 50 perennnial flower varieties in it.
Anyone recognise anything there?
