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Any suggestions for my new border plan please


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  • Any suggestions for my new border plan please


    I am just ordering plants for a new border that's by a wall and was wondering if anyone can make any suggestions/advise at all. It is a sunny site by a wall, south-west facing. The soil is good but slightly light.

    (I have copied this idea from a photo!) At the back I want a large rose that will sprawl across the top of the wall, highly scented is best as it's right by our patio. I am thinking 'Isaac Pereire' or the paler sport of that, 'Ernest Calvat'. I would also have some hollyhocks at the back, I have these already in pink. In the middle would be Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum', dark purple iris, and either monkshood or delphiniums. At the front would be Nepeta � faassenii 'Walker's Low', or any other catmint. I did think about lavender but it might be out of sync with all the other plants.

    This would leave the rest of the front to consider, I can't think of anything that would work.

    If anyone has any thoughts at all I would be grateful. I am not sure about which rose would be best, some say Isaac Pereire is too bright? But is Ernest Calvat as fragrant?

    Here are the plants I am thinking of:


  • #2
    There are light coloured lavender varieties that would easily fit in with any colour scheme, I can't see why it would look out of place next to cat mint at least in my opinion. I'd get azalea as well.
    Last edited by flynch; 04-04-2017, 04:49 PM.


    • #3
      How about Penstemons, there are lots of colours that would go well with your scheme and Salvias - Salvia Amistad is easy to grow and (imho) stunning. The smaller hardy geraniums or erodium would make a good show at the front or even annuals like pink candytuft, nigella and not forgetting night scented stock.


      • #4
        Thanks, those are great ideas and all plants I love. Hardy geraniums would add interest for longer, and I have never killed one, either (!). I like salvias as well, but sometimes find they haven't reappeared the next year.

        Does anyone have any opinion on which rose might be best? I am not sure if Isaac Pereire isn't too bright for this border, but it would be really nice to have that scent by the patio.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Angeldon View Post
          How about Penstemons, there are lots of colours that would go well with your scheme and Salvias - Salvia Amistad is easy to grow and (imho) stunning.
          I have loads of penstemons! They make you out to be a great gardener as they flower for such a long time and always look great, they always give a fantastic show of colour. Easy to propagate too. I also love Salvias but this year I'm having a few problems with slugs.... Grrr
          Last edited by Scarlet; 04-04-2017, 10:26 PM.


          • #6
            Make sure the plants that you choose will suit a sunny border.I grow monkshood and delphiniums...the Delphs grow well in a south facing border and the monkshood grows well in my north/east facing's also worth considering flowering times, you want interest all through the year.
            Last edited by Scarlet; 04-04-2017, 10:37 PM.


            • #7
              What about some aquilegias? You can get them in lovely soft pinks and mauves, and the very dark almost black ones could look good there too. They mightn't like the full sun though. Perhaps you could tuck them in among taller plants so they get a bit of dappled shade.

              And dwarf phloxes (Phlox subulata) come in a suitable range of colours as well. I think they like the sun.

              And Macedonian Scabious (Knautia).
              Last edited by Zelenina; 04-04-2017, 11:07 PM.


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