Originally posted by Scarlet
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Francis E. Lester - not a DA one. Very healthy variety, very fast growing but still possible to contain if required. Grew several metres in its first year, if I recall correctly. Main downside is that it doesn't repeat flower, although when it's in flower it's very impressive and the scent can carry.
Lady of the Lake - DA. For me it struggles to go over about 2m. It seems to have stabilised at about that height, despite claims that it can reach 12ft. In summer it grows quite slowly because it flowers so enthusiastically, but then every winter some of the little extra height it put on gets wiped out by minor dieback.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles - DA. More vigorous than Lady of the Lake, easily hit about 3m tall. But a martyr to black spot and just about every other problem under the sun. I removed it.
Mortimer Sackler - DA. Got it reduced in a garden centre and just planted it this year as a replacement for Tess. We'll see how tall it gets and whether it resists black spot more than Tess.
The Albrighton Rambler - DA. Newly planted this year, but I'm optimistic. The canes are a bit more robust than Lady of the Lake, although not quite so thick as Francis E. Lester. It seems to be growing quite fast so far.