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Potting on Dahlia seeds


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  • Potting on Dahlia seeds

    I have never grown Dahlias from seed and they are now about three inch tall with their main leaves coming through. They were grown in a tray. They are getting a bit leggy as I have them in my kitchen near the window.

    Should I pot them on now into bigger pots or modules and then put them in my greenhouse? The temperature in there hasn�t been below zero for a few weeks now.

    Kind Regards........Rob

  • #2
    Dahlias are very tender, so won't take any frost - I'd be cautious about moving them until the weather gets warmer. See my response to the pansy thread for the potting on answer.


    • #3
      My dahlia seedlings have their first pair of true seed leaves on.
      I will be potting them on sometime this week.
      I keep them in the conservatory during the day but still bring them indoors at night time.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • #4
        I sowed my dahlia seeds on 17th March. This is what they look like now:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	dahlias um.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	88.9 KB
ID:	2377051

        I know they look a bit damp there, but that's because I've just remoistened them and stuck them in the propagator to see if I can push them to do something. If nothing appears in a fortnight, then I'll give up on them. It was old seed and I made some poor choices with germination site. Only a couple of seeds sown on that windowledge did anything - even my pea-shoots which tend to be very reliable had a germination rate of about 5%. I suspect my dahlias haven't a hope, but I'll give them one last chance, while there's a bit of space in the propagator.


        • #5
          My Dahlia seedlings are about 3ins tall and they are still in their modules. I moved them out to the greenhouse about a fortnight ago, but I think we've been having milder weather here in the SE corner.
          We've had a couple of nights down to 3C but that hasn't bothered them. If a really hard frost had been forecast I would have brought them indoors.
          I'll pot them on when I can see roots at the bottom of the modules


          • #6
            Once the main leaves are there pot them on and move them to the greenhouse, cover them with fleece at night, but watch your greenhouse doesn't get too warm during the day, if you can open the door every day before going to work,it may be cold but it won't freeze, and will save your plants from being roasted, I think we all make the mistake of treating out plants with kid gloves
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • #7
              I’ve potted them on into modules but still indoors for now. I eckon I might give it a few more weeks to pop them to the greenhouse.

              Kind regards........Rob


              • #8
                I've potted on all the bigger ones and they're in the greenhouse & conservatory.

                I've noticed the smaller ones don't like being potted on in the colder temperatures.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Dahlias  01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	191.2 KB
ID:	2377162


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