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Golden rod and Michaelmas daisy


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  • Golden rod and Michaelmas daisy

    I've been trying to get these seeds to grow for a couple of months but no luck at all. Other seeds I've tried are all flourishing.
    Golden rod, thinly sown under vermiculite.
    Michaelmas daisy not covered as per instructions.
    Any help appreciated, run out of seeds now and will either buy some more, get some potted plants or raid a garden if I can find any growing. I think they only need a root to get both going.

  • #2
    Quite often its the seeds themselves that are the problem - I've given up trying to germinate bought meconopsis betonicifolia seeds for example and bought a plant instead. This now has 3 seed heads and I fully expect to be able to collect the seeds off this plant and germinate them OK from fresh.

    Anybody with a garden who has either of the two plants you mention would be happy enough to let you dig some bits of root from theirs in the Autumn I'd think as they are both strong growers - maybe try Freecycle, if you can't think of anyone to ask ?


    • #3
      Thanks Nick,
      Never had dud seeds before, there is also another pack of seeds from the same seller that I'd forgotten about that didn't grow so there may be a connection there. I think I'll have a walk around the village and see if there are any around.
      If anyone has either and is willing to donate I'll send a prepaid bubble envelope.


      • #4
        Sorry Rob - you can't ask for plants or seeds until you have been a member for 3 months and made 50 posts. I know you didn't join just to ask for plants - but, you'd be amazed how many people do.

        Morrisons were selling Golden Rod plants today - if that helps.


        • #5
          I bought the Morrison golden rod last year, good price and plant was great condition.


          • #6
            Thanks VC, didn't know that but thanks to you and Elsie a 25 mile round trip to Morrisons later today is on the cards, hope they've got some.


            • #7
              Thanks to you both, nipped to Morrisons and they had one golden rod hidden at the back of the shelf. Two for �3 so bought a lilac Astilbe, I'm sure bees and butterflies will like both.
              Now the search for michaelmas daisy begins


              • #8
                I'd just ask around amongst family and friends to start with - you never know what you can turn up as long as you're not in a hurry :-)

                Good luck with your new pants and happy gardening

                PS stand the Morrison's buys in a bucket of water for 30 mins or so before planting if you can.


                • #9
                  Where are you?

                  I lift my row of michaelmas daisy every 3 years and give away the divides before resetting them. Someone nearby must be doing the same, I do mine early spring usually but won't need to this year coming.


                  • #10
                    yes Nick, I did stand them in a tray of water for a couple of hours and will plant tomorrow.
                    I'm sure you meant plants, I'm a bit far away for you to have been looking at the washing line


                    • #11
                      Hi Kevin,
                      I can't put my locality up yet being new. I'm in west Dorset, had a look around the village but no luck as yet but still more to explore.


                      • #12
                        Have you tried editing your profile recently, Rob?


                        • #13
                          Not since I tried when joining VC, I thought it might be to do with the number of posts I needed.
                          Will try now


                          • #14
                            Well done Rob - we know all about you now.


                            • #15
                              Ooopps! too much information obviously.


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