About a week ago I saw a sad looking basil plant in the supermarket and picked it up on whim. I was hoping to try and save it rather than leaving it to die on the shelves. I've re-potted it in to a bigger pot and fed it some all-purpose plant food, and it's living on my kitchen window ledge. It's looking a bit sad and wilted still so I'm not sure if it will make it. Does anyone have any tips for reviving it, or might it just be too far gone
About a week ago I saw a sad looking basil plant in the supermarket and picked it up on whim. I was hoping to try and save it rather than leaving it to die on the shelves. I've re-potted it in to a bigger pot and fed it some all-purpose plant food, and it's living on my kitchen window ledge. It's looking a bit sad and wilted still so I'm not sure if it will make it. Does anyone have any tips for reviving it, or might it just be too far gone
