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  • #16
    Thought i'd ask if anyone had any luck with growing Stevia? and has anyone used Nickys Nursery before as i've found the seeds on there.

    Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
    Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

    Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


    • #17
      Stevia growing

      Hi I am new to this site. I have spent an enourmous amount of time researching Stevia. I decided to try and buy some seeds. Only this morning so early days yet!
      I came across all your posts about growing Stevia but dated last in 2009. Then everything stops.
      Did anyone grow it?
      I clicked on the link that someone posted about growing it and it was very imformative, thankyou.
      Last edited by Jahdmrs; 21-06-2010, 10:03 AM.
      Together forever
      That's the way its meant to be
      Together forever
      You me he and he


      • #18

        I have heard that there is a plant called stevia which is a natural sweetner, has anyone grown it and tried it and does it work.

        I know that there is someone out there who can help



        • #20

          Thanks Hazel, did not think of doing that. Still would like some feedback from any grapes, is it worthwhile purchasing, and can you overwinter it indoors



          • #21
            Never grown it but it does sound very interesting. I use Sweet Cicely to cut down on the amount of sugar used - especially good with tart fruits. So far my Sweet Cicely has survived -16C this year, so hardy enough (-20C does kill it)


            • #22
              There was a feature on stevia on Woman`s hour last year So I bought seeds & tried to grow it twice with no success.
              If I remember correctly it was quite late in the season so I`ll try earlier this year.


              • #23
                I was going to give it a go until I saw the price of plants and the fact that it is only an annual.



                • #24
                  I had a couple of Stevia plants which I bought from one of the County shows last year, they were only about �1.50 each if i remember correctly.
                  But the cold weather we've had this winter seems to have killed them off
                  When I tried one of the leaves it was incredibly sweet, so Im guessing it'd make a good sugar substitute. Never grown Sweet Cicely so couldnt really compare the two.


                  • #25
                    Hmmmmm, something to think about...

                    thanks guys for your help and advice



                    • #26
                      i have had it before, brought home a plant from florida but they did not adjust to the humidity and cannot be watered normally. I was curious and ate the leaves raw and it tasted ok.
                      Dont judge a plant by it's pot.


                      • #27
                        I bought some seeds from Sutton...18 for just under �3.00. I sowed them last week, the seeds look like skinny carrot seeds, I had to sow them with the help of some tweezers. I'm looking forward to trying them in my baking. I'm not sure if they'll come back year after year like mi mint etc, at that price I hope so, if not I'll have to let some go to seed.


                        • #28
                          I've also planted some, so far I planted 4 in the propagator and have 3 tiny leaved little seedlings. Fingers crossed!


                          • #29
                            Apparently not to be used by folk with high blood pressure problems.


                            • #30
                              just got the seeds after I heard of them on "gardenerd tip of the week" podcast, going to plant this wekend and will post updates here. I am intrigued. gave up sugar months ago but am concerned about those sweeteners so this might be the safe organic solution.


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