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Saffron bulbs


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  • Saffron bulbs

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone has any advice about growing saffron. I have 6 bulbs in 2 pots in a cheap plastic greenhouse, they all have leaves, I'm not too worried about getting flowers as I bought them because I just liked the idea of having saffron bulbs, however if anyone has any words of wisdom, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by Carl; 13-11-2007, 08:54 PM. Reason: spelling!

  • #2
    They're a bit hit and miss in my experience, Carl; some years I get enough saffron for a few good meals, and then I'll get several years without any of them flowering at all.

    Saffron crocus grows very easily - but it doesn't flower easily.

    A few things worth trying ...

    Use very deep pots, the deepest you've got. Saffron bulbs like to be planted deep. Don't let the bulbs become crowded; they're fussy about that, too. Make sure you've got really good drainage in the compost - they're even fussier about that.

    Some say it's worth putting the pots into the (unheated) greenhouse during the winter, after flowering (or if they don't flower), to help bulk up the bulb for next year. Flowers come from big bulbs, not small ones. Certainly water and feed while the plants are green.

    When they do flower (any time from Oct to Dec, I find), the bit you're after is the stigma; long, red, floppy things sticking out of the bloom. Pinch them off as soon as they appear - first thing in the morning, preferably - using tweezers. The stigma are joined together at the base - take them as one unit. Put that on a bit of loo paper, folded over to stop the "red gold" from blowing away, and put it somewhere moderately warm (kitchen, perhaps), for a day or three, until it is completely dry - really dry and papery to the touch. Then keep it in a jar with a good lid, in the dark.

    Saffron potato salad on Boxing Day ... now that really does impress the non-gardeners!

    And - to any passing browser - please remember only to use saffron crocus for cooking ... if you eat any part of the Autumn Crocus you will die. Which will probably get you into trouble at work.


    • #3
      Thanks for that Mat, looks as though I will have to change those pots - good to hear that you've had some flowers though - there's hope!



      • #4
        Just reviving this ancient thread...I'm going to try some this year. I've had a hankering to have a go for about 7 years. I read the Windowbox Allotment over and over (didn't even have a window box at the time!) and the author convinced me to give it go at some point. We use quite a lot of saffron - love paella and tagines - but really just for the thrill of doing it.

        Anyone else had a bash?
        I don't roll on Shabbos


        • #5
          I've been looking to have a bash too, in a trough. But I'm paranoid about getting the wrong bulbs...


          • #6
            Me too, (the wrong bulbs I mean). Where can you get them from.
            Updated my blog on 13 January



            • #7
              I found some here

              ...but it doesn't give any indication that it's edible.
              Last edited by WeeGarden; 04-02-2010, 04:25 PM.


              • #8
                There's a couple of good suppliers of saffron corms - I'll dig out the details and post.
                I don't roll on Shabbos


                • #9
                  I have just spotted that Suttons are now selling saffron crocus bulbs saying specifically that they are the ones that will give edible saffron. See Suttons, Seeds, Flower seeds, vegetable seeds, flower plants, vegetable plants, organic seeds, seed potatoes, seeds.


                  • #10
                    cool... but delivery in august? :/

                    I'd like some now to try indoors


                    • #11
                      Was just about to search when I noticed this thread. I saw the saffron bulbs in the Suttons catalogue and, as I like to try anything new, sent off an order a couple of days ago. I'm a patient body (well, sometimes) so can wait until August for the delivery, I'll probably have forgotten by then anyway. Is saffron any good for 'senior moments'?


                      • #12



                        Roll on August


                        • #13
                          The sutton seeds link and dobies one are exactly the same? Same company?

                          Saffron Crocus, Grow your own saffron! Flower Bulbs
                          Suttons: Flower Bulbs, Saffron Crocus


                          • #14
                            I just watched the Hairy Bikers in Essex and discovered that Saffron Walden used to be called Chipping Walden until Saffron was cultivated widely in the area during the 16th and 17th century! Decided I'd like to have a go at growing it myself and found this thread.

                            70 bulbs for under �15 sounds ok. Was thinking of growing them on the allotments but don't really want to give up the necessary space there for them and as our communal garden here at home has been neglected for the past few years I've decided to plant them here. Easier that way to keep an eye on them every day and collect the threads in the early hours of the day.

                            I'm very excited. Will still be going to Tooting to get my large size supplies as I love using it so much but it will be fun to compare the taste of home grown and also to see just how much 70 bulbs will yield and whether they will flower each year.


                            • #15
                              We saw part of that programme, the saffron and cream mash looked to die for. Made me want to try growing a few myself.
                              Kirsty b xx


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