At Hampton court flower show in one of the tents I spotted vietnamese corriander in a herb display. Hurrah I thought part of my allotment is covered in the stuff.....wrong. It seems identical but is a weed.It is a weed I really have not come across either. What is going on?
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vietnamese corriander.
Can you post a pic of your weed?
I've not seen Vietnamese coriander before but googled some images and it looks a bit like a weed I have in my garden, which I have tentatively identified as common orache, but I'm not really sure! I look forward to others' comments.
PS for a weed ID it might be better to post this in the veg section rather than the herb section??Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
There is a weed that looks just like vietnamese coriander, but it does not have the characteristic smell or taste of the herb. I think, from the picture I found here, it is called redshank.
Weed identification | RuralNI
This link Redshank - Weed information - Organic Weed Management has more information, it is a relative of the vietnames coriander, looking at it's latin nameI could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
Now a little Shrinking Violet.
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