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Prolonging mint season


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  • Prolonging mint season

    I've finally managed to grow a spectacular mint plant after years of absolute failure with tiny leaves (using a large self watering planter I made). But it looks like it's about to flower. I've been harvesting daily, way more than I need but it still is insistant on flowering. Is there any way to keep me in mint all summer? I could take a few more root cuttings and start anthrt one. Get a different type of mint that flowers later? Pretty sure this one is spearmint. I do also have a much smaller morrocan mint and a black peppermint but I don't really harvest either of these.

    After about 10 years of trying to grow a good plant I'd really like to carry on getting a good crop all summer as I eat and drink tons of the stuff . Any ideas?


  • #2
    Only thing I can think of is giving it a hair cut with the shears close to the ground and use any new shoots??


    • #3
      We grow mint in a big (50cm) pot in a shady part of the garden - actually on a formal paved terrace. Only gets actual sun for an hour around noon in May, June, and July.

      In the growing season it is watered a few times a week, given a handful of 13-13-13 once or twice and clipped with shears every few weeks (so it never flowers or even gets to form buds). It dies down in the winter and we top dress with a few cm of compost.

      Been going for a few years now.

      [edit] Just went and had a look. Needs it's hair cut! And pot is type with a water reservoir
      Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG1625118174116.jpg
Views:	154
Size:	1.56 MB
ID:	2528541
      Last edited by quanglewangle; 01-07-2021, 06:47 AM. Reason: Added pic and pot details
      I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


      • #4
        I've got some mint growing in a pot sink and I clip it like Burnie and QW usually a quarter at a time so I've always got some to use.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #5
          Looks great that qw, I'm wondering if shade might help. Mines in full sun all day.


          • #6
            I definitely notice my mint plants growing better under the shade (I have 5 different types)
            some varieties seem more prone to flowering than others but my spearmint and Moroccan mint are still very bushy at this time of the year
            helps if I keep the soil very moist too
            enjoy! I just love mint


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