I've finally managed to grow a spectacular mint plant after years of absolute failure with tiny leaves (using a large self watering planter I made). But it looks like it's about to flower. I've been harvesting daily, way more than I need but it still is insistant on flowering. Is there any way to keep me in mint all summer? I could take a few more root cuttings and start anthrt one. Get a different type of mint that flowers later? Pretty sure this one is spearmint. I do also have a much smaller morrocan mint and a black peppermint but I don't really harvest either of these.
After about 10 years of trying to grow a good plant I'd really like to carry on getting a good crop all summer as I eat and drink tons of the stuff
. Any ideas?
After about 10 years of trying to grow a good plant I'd really like to carry on getting a good crop all summer as I eat and drink tons of the stuff
