I feel tempted to dig up a bit of wild garlic from nearby woodland. I like the idea of having "wild garlic" that really is wild. However, if too many people were to do it, it would destroy the garlic and ruin it for everybody, so I think my conscience will get the better of me.
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Wild Garlic
I would like some Wild Garlic, but will heed the advice about putting it in a pot!
I saved some seeds from my mum's old house and if they fail i will be helping myself to a few roots from a nearby location that is stinking with it in the spring (I love the smell).
Excuse me, could we have an eel? You've got eels down your leg.
Hi all, i have a large patch with terrible earth, scrapings from old bonfire, clay etc - any chance of someone letting me have some WG for it i am happy to send an SAPE (stamped addressed padded envelope)
would be fantastic, i remember eating it raw from the ground as a child growing up ( along with worms, mud pies the odd cricket!!!)
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