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Tiny white bugs on basil - what are they?!


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  • Tiny white bugs on basil - what are they?!

    I love basil but every time I've grown it (regardless of where I put it, what other plants are near it and whether I've grown it from seed or bought a plant), after a while it gets these tiny white bugs on it. Initially they just look like miniscule little bits of fluff but then after a while they're recognisably living creatures of some sort. They also seem to have spread to my parsley plant at the moment, but they only ever seem to appear when I have a basil plant.
    Does anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them?? I usually grow things on one of two windowsills and I've tried cleaning the windows and sills meticulously before putting new plants on there, but the mystery little creatures always appear at some point and it's driving me mad!

  • #2
    Aphids - the curse of basil! A squirt of washing up liquid in a spray bottle full of cold water wnd a good dousing will help. You'll propbably have to repeat it a couple of times. I don't think I've ever had basil for very long without an aphid invasion. They are also beggars for chilli plants too! Good luck!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      ive had them aswell and i got rid of them by spraying them with fairy liquid diluted in water [ just a little ] and just blasted them of with the water sprayer, the diluted fairy liquid doesint do your plant any harm as long as you only use a little drop of fairy, i done this leaf by leaf and it worked really well


      • #4
        you beat me to it flummery, at least i know now im doing it right, [see i am learning ]


        • #5
          I've used an insecticide (for edible plants) which claims to get rid of aphids amongst other things, but it never seems to have much effect. I'll have to try the washing up liquid trick. How do the aphids get onto the plant??? Where do they come from??!


          • #6
            I've got them on my indoor pelargoniums too, they're a total nuisance. I am squishing them in my fingers, daily.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              they're a total nuisance. I am squishing them in my fingers, daily.
              Couldn't agree more TS, I'd swear some plants are born with the blummin things!

              Starr, now the weather is getting better it may help to stand your plants outside during the day and also if you try the Fairy Liquid trick make sure you do the undersides of the leaves too.
              There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


              • #8
                There are many ladybirds coming out of hibernation on my windowsill. Luckily for me i'm growing basil again this year and when these pests return they'll have the ladybirds (natural solution) to contend with dinnertime.
                Don't row, just plough now and thank the cow and sow .


                • #9
                  crudusnovitas - make sure there's a way for the ladybirds to get some water without having to fly away for it. I believe they come out of hibernation quite thirsty so if there's no way for them to quench the thirst they'll fly off for that and not come back for your aphids. I believe that's a big issue for the mail-order ladybirds people get as pest control. Imagine opening �10 worth of ladybirds only for them to fly into your neighbour's garden, have a drink and then solve the aphid problem on the neglected rosebush they've not even looked at in the past few years.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ardroil View Post
                    ive had them aswell and i got rid of them by spraying them with fairy liquid diluted in water [ just a little ] and just blasted them of with the water sprayer, the diluted fairy liquid doesint do your plant any harm as long as you only use a little drop of fairy, i done this leaf by leaf and it worked really well
                    Dilute the washing up liquid in a deep bowl. Cover the soil in the pot with tin foil, reverse the plant and dunk in the detergent. When using aphid spray put a pastic bag over the whole thing , spray liberally inside and leave for a few minutes. Gets in all the nooks and crannies that way.


                    • #11
                      I was a little peeved that the lovely chili plant my neighbour gave me infested my beautiful Greek basil plants - they'd managed to keep clear of the dreaded aphids until then. Agree the way forward is keeping sills clean, the washing up liquid trick and not placing an infested chili plant next to it.
                      I don't roll on Shabbos


                      • #12
                        I find the best way to get rid of em is to make pesto. They dont like the food processor, hahaha
                        Save Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock. Coma and Painted Lady butterflies. Dont cut stinging nettles in summer.
                        Only cut nettles grown in the shade.


                        • #13
                          week fairy liquid solution is the best! (other liquid is available but didnt work!) they seem to jus appear no matter how clean you think the place is! chilli woman at local farmers market told me to tip plant upside down before i "investigate" as the little blighters let go, drop into your soil then just stroll on back up later.

                          fascinating to hear ladybirds are thirsty when they emerge! i have learnt my new something for the day!


                          • #14
                            my roses also have tiny white bugs on them. would they also be 'Aphids'?
                            im new to all this an already im in a war against slugs and white bugs


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