Bubblewrap not spinach - it should be parsley!
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As regards Coriander, I couldn't believe my eyes today ! I had 'tent-cloched' the raised Asparagus Bed in January, as I didn't want too much more rain on it since I'd mulched it, let alone all that snow (!) and guess what's coming up along the outside of one side of it where I grew Coriander last summer.
Yep ! Coriander seedlings....
Ain't it wonderful, Wellie? Maybe you should crop it quickly before winter arrives??
It could be hardier than we think, I haven't looked at mine for a while, but it was going ok before the snow last week. Will get down there at the weekend and check it.
Before today, I had thought of taking the tent cloche off and re-allocating it to a more worthwhile cause, but now I've changed my mind.....!
Last summer on the other long side of the bed I grew the most delicious Parsley, which mottled and yellowed later in the year, so I reckoned it had got done by the dreaded CRF towards the end. Ooh! what shall I try this year in the Asparagus Bed? I only crop to the outer edges, and keep them well watered because they're nearest to the cottage and water supply.
Hi Wellie
I am sure you realise that parsley is a bienniel, and will produce seed this year on last year's left overs, or did you pull it up? (what is CRF???)
Interestingly I though it was not wise to transplant parsley what with a long tap root and all, but they moved happily, both at seedling stage and in the Autumn when I shfted some of the big plants to the herb bed where I've left a dozen plants ready to collect the seed this year, but the way they are growing it looks as though we will be able to crop some off them too.
I had sown some Coriander in a 5" pot in the greenhouse and decided to pot it on today. Insteads of putting one plant in each small section of a 12 pot tray, I pricked out 3 or 4 to each section! Will this be ok planting it in small clumps as opposed to individual plants?I have no idea of eventual size of Coriander so don't know what spacing to use in herb wheel either?
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
I know I'm a bit late to join the debate but thought I'd throw in my tuppence worth anyway - I grew corriander in a large pot last year and let some of it run to seed, which I harvested and kept in a paper bag until mid April this year. I have now sown it out direct in to the soil and it all seems to be germinating ok, although it does seem to be growing very slowy at the moment. But I guess it is still early and not quite as warm as it would like.
Hi Big John, Welcome to the vine! I love coriander seeds in cooking -much more than the leaf. Last time I grew coriander I let it all seed so I could use them. My daughter who loves the fresh leaves, thought I was barmy!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Crush them with a coffee crinder attachment to a food mill or just with a pestle and mortar. My favourite recipe is with potaotes. Cut spuds up into about 1" squares and fry in a big pan in some oil. Toss them around to stop them burning and add a tablespoon of crushed coriander seeds and some (cheap!) red wine. Put a tight lid on and keep tossing the pan. Check and add more wine till they feel soft to a knife. GORGEOUS!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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