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Curry Leaf Plant (Murraya Koeniggi)


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  • Curry Leaf Plant (Murraya Koeniggi)

    Has anyone been successful in growing the curry leaf plant from stem cuttings?

  • #2
    no i've failed miserably.

    i had two different lots of reasonably fresh curry leaves. i tried cuttings in water and compost, with and without rooting gel and various 'hardness' of wood, all without success!

    i'd love to hear about any tips anyone has...


    • #3
      I'm the same as ChilliKing, no success from various ways, the nearest I got was by putting some very fresh stems with a couple of leaves on in a glass of water for a week or two. They did start to form roots, so I potted them up in a mixture of sand and compost, they struggled for a week or two and then gave up!
      I'd love to hear from anyone who has been successful too !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by 1066 View Post
        I'm the same as ChilliKing, no success from various ways, the nearest I got was by putting some very fresh stems with a couple of leaves on in a glass of water for a week or two. They did start to form roots, so I potted them up in a mixture of sand and compost, they struggled for a week or two and then gave up!
        I'd love to hear from anyone who has been successful too !!

        1066 & ChilliKing,

        I had about 6 stem cuttings of various wood hardness as well and decided to put all of them in a glass of water for 3wks and when I saw nothing happenned, I went to buy the rooting gel and voila! It worked like a miracle! Within days, I saw new little shoots sprouting out from the stems. It may take awhile though. Fingers crossed, hopefully they get to grow well in this weather!


        • #5
          Wow! It grows to 6m tall and is tender ~ I hope you live in Kew Gardens
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Ruff thanks for the info, so rooting gel it is. What time of year would be best to start - I'm thinking Spring?

            Two Sheds thanks for the link. What I want to know is how Kew got it to grow in the first place! or maybe Ruff is their chief advisor ......


            • #7
              Originally posted by 1066 View Post
              Ruff thanks for the info, so rooting gel it is. What time of year would be best to start - I'm thinking Spring?

              Two Sheds thanks for the link. What I want to know is how Kew got it to grow in the first place! or maybe Ruff is their chief advisor ......
              1066, get the rooting gel from 'Bio Roota' brand. Seems to work best everytime compared to the hormone rooting powder and gel from other brands. Actually, best to start in summer since it is pretty much a tropical plant. I started the cutting quite late this yr, just abt 3wks ago (a wk before we had tht indian summer). You can start now then put it where it is warm i.e. by the window sill.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                Wow! It grows to 6m tall and is tender ~ I hope you live in Kew Gardens
                Two Sheds,

                Did you get to nick a cutting or two? hehehehehe


                • #9
                  I'm on to it!

                  Originally posted by ruff View Post
                  1066, get the rooting gel from 'Bio Roota' brand. Seems to work best everytime compared to the hormone rooting powder and gel from other brands. Actually, best to start in summer since it is pretty much a tropical plant. I started the cutting quite late this yr, just abt 3wks ago (a wk before we had tht indian summer). You can start now then put it where it is warm i.e. by the window sill.
                  Thanks for the tip about the rooting gel, I'm going to London next week so will pick up some fresh curry leaves, and will get the gel at the ready.


                  • #10
                    Not wanting to speak too soon but after trying another batch of curry leaf rooting I have one stem that seems to be surviving...JUST! It's not died like all te rest but the leaves have gone very pale yellow.

                    Fingers crossed it'll survive....i'll report back if it does!


                    • #11
                      I've no shops nearby that sell fresh curry leaves so I can't try out cuttings, but does anyone know of a supplier for the plant? Also does it need to grow as a houseplant or would an unheated greenhouse do?


                      • #12
                        Hi elleme
                        You can buy them on eBay �14 from Borneo to your doorstep!
                        Death to all slugs!


                        • #13
                          Or at Poyntzfield Poyntzfield Herb Nursery - Shrubs and small trees.
                          CURRY LEAF Murraya koenigii TP 180cm. The fresh leaves of this tender Indian tree are an essential ingredient for authentic curries, providing us with a warm aromatic herb that aids digestion and stimulates the appetite.The young plants ( about 10 to 15 cms high when sold) are best kept indoors until large enough to be placed outdoors in warm summers. Keep in a container so that it can be overwintered in a more sheltered place.Usually available from june to september.


                          • #14
                            Thanks, I'm tempted...


                            • #15
                              i think i DID speak too soon. mine is looking decided dead!


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