I've never grown the stuff before, but there's some already in my garden. Somehow I had the idea that it was a dainty, tidy thing - ha!
I've been digging out wayward shoots today and boggling at the roots on them.
So, does anyone know...
a. how to use it - any recipes beyond the obvious chuck-in-a-salad?
b. how to foil its plans for world domination (other than letting it have it out with the ground elder)
If anybody round here wants a division, let me know - I've dug out half a dozen today and there's more where that came from.

So, does anyone know...
a. how to use it - any recipes beyond the obvious chuck-in-a-salad?
b. how to foil its plans for world domination (other than letting it have it out with the ground elder)
If anybody round here wants a division, let me know - I've dug out half a dozen today and there's more where that came from.