I planted creeping thyme and oregano in one pot on my balcony. Grew them from seed in early spring and they seemed to be doing very well, both started flowering a couple of weeks ago. However, my Oregano looked wilted yesterday and is drying up fast. It has been extremely hot on my balcony, so I was suspecting this might be killing the Oregano but the thyme seems to be doing great. Was wondering if you think this might be due to the weather or if the thyme is killing the oregano. If it's the latter, I will plant them separately from now on.
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Is my thyme killing my oregano?
They both grow well in the Med and like the heat but the smaller the leaf the more heat a plant can withstand - and thyme has tiny leaves. So if you move the pot into the shade the oregano may recover.
I grow both and find oregano spreads well and is more likely to swamp the thyme so I would keep them separate.
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