have tried this with a few herbs, has any1 else?
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planting up shop bought herbs
have bought some chives today, from LIDLs, 29p per pot (loads in there) it is the offer this week, have bought a few plants from there from time to time. have potted up basil myself but not as successful as chives and parsley. ALDI is another good store for things like that, they have some cheap seeds too from time to time, check them out
i agree,complete failure with basil,but parsley is a big success.found GC one take longer to establish after deviding them up but crop very well.i also bought chive and dill from lidl but not planted them yet.i use a lot of parsley but only little chives and dill.ggoddess
Supermarket herbs planted up will do fine MrsC2B.
My neighbour, who knows nothing about gardening, planted some supermarket herbs last year. I've never seen herbs perform as well as that.
I ended up with most of them, much to my pleasure. She's planted up this year again. Hope they do great. My frozen herbs from last year have just about gone.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
I've planted up parsley and coriander. Basil from a SM I tend to keep indoors. Chives I've had from a division from my mum (or even one of my old plants) since time immemorial it seems. I find they tend to flop a little and then perk up.
Remember dill is an annual. If you like that and want a perennial try fennel. Mine self seeds like mad so it is easy to grow and just keeps going.Bright Blessings
If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.
I wanted to buy some basil yesterday, but Sainsbury's had recalled them for some reason... so the lady got me a plant instead (same price charged). I have planted it out next to my baby plants. If it fails, nothing lost but a small area... I also did the same with coriander.
I am never very successful with coriander indoors - this is my first attempt at my herb garden so fingers crossed. (rosemary is doing well though)
JanJan A novice gardener - first year of growing
I planted out basil chives time and mint we got them home and put them out the back a few days later i split them in 2 and planted one in o each in the side bed they seam to be doing ok
I also planted a lot of sed yestedday in trays to go down the plot I know its getting late but hopeing for a long growing seasonSome things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors
OK. for the third and final time I will repeat this tip on this site (from an Australian cookbook) regarding shop bought basil.
Cut the tops off, put the cuttings into a bowl of water, and they will root VERY easily. Cutting the tops off will encourage the bought plants to bush out. When the cuttings are rooted, you can pot them up, and eventually, when they have grown a bit, take the tops out of the rooted plants, put them in a bowl of water to root. Repeat, ad infinitum. You should not need to buy any more basil plants for the season (or sow any seeds).
Believe me it works!!!
An exasperated valmarg!!
shop bought herbs
mrsc2b, like me you are a 'sprouter' so not a complete stranger to this site.
It has been mentioned before on here, but you can root the shop bought stalks of lemon grass. Just put them in a jam jar of water, change the water quite regularly, and they will produce roots. Pot them up, they produce side shoots, which you can break off to cook with.
Another thing I did with shop bought french tarragon. There was a pack on the reduced counter. I treated the sprigs like fuchsia cuttings. I got about five pieces to root. That was several years ago. I now have about four 5" pots of french tarragon, that I have kept going.
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