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Will Bay tree seeds work ?


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  • Will Bay tree seeds work ?

    I have a small bay tree/bush in a pot.
    Normally outside but in winter it's in the greenhouse.
    I lost a very nice standard due to frost a few years ago!
    Currently it appears to have bunches of seeds.
    Will they grow, it's all by itself.
    When should a pull them off and plant.
    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!

  • #2
    I've grown mine from cuttings, never tried seeds. Good luck !


    • #3
      I've only grown from cuttings too but you have nothing to lose by trying.


      • #4
        I bought seeds from ebay a few years ago and got nothing from them. I'd still try though if my tree produced them.
        My blog -


        • #5
          Grew my Bay from a cutting also. It's 10 years old now and over 6' tall. I trained it to grow with a dual trunk, with a 5" gap between the two, and the joint is about 4" above soil level. It is very loosely in the style of a standard, but pretty scruffy as I've neglected to prune it for several years. It's in a tub. The supporting canes are left in place as the double trunk scenario does leave it a bit more vulnerable in strong winds. Initially I raised 5 or 6 plants, so I'd have backups in the first few years. But space has meant I just have this specimen remaining. I don't worry anymore about bringing it undercover during winter (when it actually gets frosty I mean). Some of the leaves do go brown, but that's usually the worst of it. Probably because at 10 years its established and that bit more resilient. I have in the past wrapped the pot in insulating material ahead of a prolonged cold spell but left the tub in situ.
          I've only ever read advice about taking cuttings to produce new Bay plants. That implies to me it's a more guaranteed method of raising stock. But have a go with seeds by all means Sorry I can't offer any tips.


          • #6
            OK thanks.
            I seem to remember seeing a standard somewhere that has self seeded plants around its base. So seed should work. Probably need to know how to use them. Some seed need frost etc.
            Anyone know the process ?

            Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


            • #7
              Hope this helps Jimmy:
              I know it's US but the principles should be the same.

              How to Germinate Bay Leaf Seeds | Home Guides | SF Gate
              Last edited by Bigmallly; 08-01-2016, 07:05 AM.
              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


              • #8
                Slightly changing the main topic ( sorry but prefferable to starting another thread i guess?) but...
                I bought a "kitchen" bay from wyevales sale yesterday, cost �2.50 at about a foot high, would this be a normal bay ?. I noticed that most of the trees had their main stem/trunk cut ( guessing to keem them windowsill manageable ) but the one that i bought hadnt been cut, so would i be correct in assuming that it would grow as normal?

                thanks in advance, Jack.


                • #9
                  Was it called Laurus nobilis
                  Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


                  • #10
                    Also see Creating a Standard Bay Tree | Landscaping Ideas and Hardscape Design | HGTV
                    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


                    • #11
                      It doesnt say Jimmy, the label only says "kitchen bay"

                      thanks for the link mate, looks great.


                      • #12
                        I would say that it is sold as a "kitchen bay" as it is still a "starter bay tree".
                        Basically a small one that will just about survive indoors for a while.

                        It is still an outdoor tree and so will either give up and die or you will plant it outside. No need to rush out and dig a hole now for it but I would not expect it to be totally at ease being indoors. I would always say get it into as big a pot as you can manage to have it in while indoors. Make sure the soil mix is fairly free draining.

                        I have a bay that started off similar, it is now about 8-10 feet tall and much loved by robins - no idea why robins.

                        For the original post, not 100% sure what you would get from a seed. A "bay" of some variety, but as Laural is the family and some variety of Laurel is poisionous, just there must exist the chance that what grows from seed reverts to a more toxic variety then the culinary variety we call Bay.


                        • #13
                          OK I planted up some of the bay tree "seeds" they were small berries in the base of the stems.
                          Nothing appeared yet.
                          However I have noted that the berries I left on the bay tree have now opened into flowers ?
                          So perhaps they were not seeds after all !
                          Most confusing.
                          Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


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