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Basil plant - tips


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  • Basil plant - tips

    Basil is one of the most known herbs and one that I use most frequently in my kitchen. I love its smell but also taste. However, have you ever tried to grow it from a seed? I have got some tips for interested people!

    What soil should I use?
    - well-drained, nutrient-rich soil; ph level between 6.0 and 7.5.

    What about lightening?
    - should be placed in a sunny window, preferably facing south; at least 6 hours of sunlight a day

    How often should I water it?
    - daily or more often during hot or dry days; do not forget about drainage

    Have you got a basil in your home?

  • #2
    I grow basil every year from seed (about 10 varieties ).
    It doesn't get watered daily. Every other day and sparingly. It's very good at damping off if over watered.


    • #3
      The other way round it is to buy a 90p pot of it growing from the supermarket, then divide that up in to a few plants per pot to grow on.


      • #4
        I bought a pot of seedlings and divided them up in individual pots and 3-4 per pot. I took the one that seemed the healthiest and that sits in its own pot on my south-facing windowsill. The rest have been put in various places around the tomatoes outside and in the blowaway. They are having a Hunger Games-style survival of the fittest thing going on.

        The one inside get watered when I can feel its leaves going limp. Then I give it a good long soak. I also keep pinching out the tips after two sets of leaves, trying to get it to bush up.

        As of now, it is the biggest and the bushiest of them all, including ones that are in the ground.

        So yeah, my top tips would be don't stress about watering them every day, and keep pinching out the tips as and when needed.


        • #5
          I find basil lasts no time on the kitchen windowsill before it dies, and here in Edinburgh it is usually too chilly for outside (not this week though, for once).

          A week or two ago I read elsewhere on this site that basil cuttings take well in water, so I thought 'aha!', and duly put some sprigs in water. Rooting up nicely now, hopefully suitable for some succession planting (and eating).
          Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


          • #6
            I had great success with basil last year - mainly in greenhouse but a few outside all from seed. This year have really struggling. Had dampening off issue, saved a few. They struggled in the greenhouse -maybe too hot, then tried them in coldframe and they didn’t seem much happier and got chewed by slugs. Have now put them outside in a bed, although I’m in Scotland. Greg haven’t died yet but not looking very happy. Try again next year I guess.


            • #7
              I agree with Nickdub, we get an aldi plant for the windowsil and use some and grow on some more. I think we replaced it once, but for instant leaf and ongoing harvest it seemed good value. We did try from seed once too, moderate success but more effort than an aldi pot ready to go.


              • #8
                I�ve grown lots of different basils over the years with varying degrees of success.
                My favourite is the perennial (though frost tender) blue bush basil.
                It grows into a really big bush and is much firmer than the usual �floppy� basils.
                The flowers are pretty in a posy and they taste good too.
                Might be worth a try for you people in Scotland as it�s much tougher than anything else I�ve tried.
                Click image for larger version

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                • #9
                  Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                  I had great success with basil last year - mainly in greenhouse but a few outside all from seed. This year have really struggling. Had dampening off issue, saved a few. They struggled in the greenhouse -maybe too hot, then tried them in coldframe and they didn’t seem much happier and got chewed by slugs. Have now put them outside in a bed, although I’m in Scotland. Greg haven’t died yet but not looking very happy. Try again next year I guess.
                  Funny to see that post from start of July. Since then the basil in the beds have done really well. Think they have enjoyed the warm weather we had. So I think you can grow basil outside here as long as we have a good summer.


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