veg4681 or can I call you Ami?!
I'm trying to be sensible with the varieties we grow (fat chance!) and so it'll probably be the ones that are 'doers', with an experiment or two!
So in the greenhouse borders we found Cubanelle, Topepo Rosso and Hot Portugal did really well, ie more than one pepper every month or plant!
Jalapeno because we like them pickled and Hanoi Red cos they seem prolific and hottish to dry and save for the rest of the year.
Cubanelle is a type of sweet pepper (more often found abroad) its early, prolific and long fruiting - oh and they taste and smell like real peppers! Topepo Rosso we only grew last year but they were fairly prolific and like small blocky sweet peppers - very tasty. When we've tried to grow sweet peppers (like the ones you see in the supermarket) before you often seem only to get one or two fruits per plant, not good when they're taking up room in the greenhouse. Hot Portugal were prolific, big, hottish and easy to grow.
Never tried saving seeds as we only use 1 or 2 seeds per year and so there's normally plenty in a pkt. That's why I've swopped away some pepper seeds, they'll only be wasted, I can't use them all. (But there'll probably still be some spares.
- wish these were mine!
I'm trying to be sensible with the varieties we grow (fat chance!) and so it'll probably be the ones that are 'doers', with an experiment or two!
So in the greenhouse borders we found Cubanelle, Topepo Rosso and Hot Portugal did really well, ie more than one pepper every month or plant!

Cubanelle is a type of sweet pepper (more often found abroad) its early, prolific and long fruiting - oh and they taste and smell like real peppers! Topepo Rosso we only grew last year but they were fairly prolific and like small blocky sweet peppers - very tasty. When we've tried to grow sweet peppers (like the ones you see in the supermarket) before you often seem only to get one or two fruits per plant, not good when they're taking up room in the greenhouse. Hot Portugal were prolific, big, hottish and easy to grow.
Never tried saving seeds as we only use 1 or 2 seeds per year and so there's normally plenty in a pkt. That's why I've swopped away some pepper seeds, they'll only be wasted, I can't use them all. (But there'll probably still be some spares.

- wish these were mine!