I am harvesting a number of Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) seeds at the moment.
I will give some away free (for a s.a.e.), although I wouldn't mind swapping for any interesting chilli seeds.
Please note: these fresh Venus Flytrap seeds should be sown a.s.a.p. they lose viability fairly quickly. They need to be sown onto sphagnum moss peat/course horticultural sand or sphagnum moss peat/pearlite or pure sphagnum moss. Only water with rain water and never tap water (unless it is very, very soft). Never let them dry out. Never fertilize, it will burn/rot the roots and kill the plant.
They will take years to grow to a reasonable size but will grow tiny fully working traps soon after germination.
Anyone interested? Not sure how many seeds I have yet, but will gauge the response and decide how many to send each person. First come, first served.
I will give some away free (for a s.a.e.), although I wouldn't mind swapping for any interesting chilli seeds.
Please note: these fresh Venus Flytrap seeds should be sown a.s.a.p. they lose viability fairly quickly. They need to be sown onto sphagnum moss peat/course horticultural sand or sphagnum moss peat/pearlite or pure sphagnum moss. Only water with rain water and never tap water (unless it is very, very soft). Never let them dry out. Never fertilize, it will burn/rot the roots and kill the plant.
They will take years to grow to a reasonable size but will grow tiny fully working traps soon after germination.
Anyone interested? Not sure how many seeds I have yet, but will gauge the response and decide how many to send each person. First come, first served.
