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Seed swapping.


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  • Seed swapping.

    Not sure which section to post this in, but with 10,000 members, I'm sure it won't matter. Like me, you're prob all reading if not posting. Are there many of you out there who live in the ayrshire region of scotland, (more particularly east ayrshire, although that's prob splitting hairs!) I was wondering if there is a gardening club of any description in the area, or anywhere elsethat I can swap seeds, plants etc.? I have too many seeds of the kind that either 1, we won't eat or 2, I can't grow in my own garden, and wanted to swap some of them, or even give some away. I know I will be tempted to grow some of the surplus, but seed or plant they will still be wasted (except as compost!)
    Can anyone help here? If we don't have a club in the area, can we start one?
    Not even of the kind where we have to meet every month or so. An internet one may work.

    Regards and thanks for any info.


    Dalrymple, East Ayrshire

  • #2
    Ruth, welcome to the vine, think you might get a better response if you post this in the seed swap section.

    Grow Your Own - Growing, How To Grow Tomatoes Growing Fruit & Veg - Recipe Advice, Organic food Gardening, Chickens, Seeds for Sale
    There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


    • #3
      Funnily enough, we have a Seed Swap section on this website

      This is the 1st page:
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-02-2009, 07:27 AM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        I belong to a gardening group of sorts here and it's so badly run, many of the original members don't attend any more.

        As I'm so far away from the Uk, the logistics of seed swapping with other Grapes is difficult so having recently read about SeedySundays, think I'm going to have a go at organising something.

        Love the Grapevine but sometimes a bit of face to face - like the male/female thread shows - would be fun.
        Last edited by TonyF; 09-02-2009, 08:00 AM.
        TonyF, Dordogne 24220


        • #5
          Hi Ruthie, I live in East Ayrshire - Kilmarnock for my sins I have not found a gardening club anywhere in East Ayrshire, if there are any they are probably affiliated to the 3 allotments within East Ayrshire. I believe there are a few gardening clubs in Ayr (there is definately one out by Whitletts) - if you are interested I will dig out the info I have. Can highly recommend the seed swapping board on this site
          Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 09-02-2009, 08:04 AM.


          • #6
            hello ruthie
            i live in east ayrshire very close to you in patna!!! i am still quite a novice but getting better but the area i have to use has got drastically smaller this year. i tend to grow more chillis,i am at the moment growing,dorset naga,tokyo hot,demon red,maui purple,aji limo,peruvian lemon,prairi fire, and others i also grow tomatoes,peas,herbs,i got some jerusalem artichokes to try this year.i should have a few of these to spare,you may have to wait till the seedlings are bigger or if i have any spare seeds or tubers you want to swap for something pm me and we can sort something out.


            • #7
              nomad, not wanting to divert the course of this thread but if you're keen on Chillies have you considered joining this group?

              All Things Hot and Chilli Like!
              Last edited by HotStuff; 10-02-2009, 04:49 PM.
              There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


              • #8
                thanks hot stuff just had a look and joined i not too much time tonight but will have a better look tomorrow as i need to tend to my many chilli seedlings!!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TonyF View Post
                  I belong to a gardening group of sorts here and it's so badly run, many of the original members don't attend any more.

                  As I'm so far away from the Uk, the logistics of seed swapping with other Grapes is difficult so having recently read about SeedySundays, think I'm going to have a go at organising something.

                  Love the Grapevine but sometimes a bit of face to face - like the male/female thread shows - would be fun.

                  What are SeedySundays please!?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HotStuff View Post
                    Ruth, welcome to the vine, think you might get a better response if you post this in the seed swap section.

                    Grow Your Own - Growing, How To Grow Tomatoes Growing Fruit & Veg - Recipe Advice, Organic food Gardening, Chickens, Seeds for Sale
                    Thanks, hotstuff.

                    Missed that one (only new to this!). Will have a look later


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                      Thank You, too, Two Sheds. (I'm still working on geting the first shed, you jammy so n so!)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TonyF View Post
                        I belong to a gardening group of sorts here and it's so badly run, many of the original members don't attend any more.

                        As I'm so far away from the Uk, the logistics of seed swapping with other Grapes is difficult so having recently read about SeedySundays, think I'm going to have a go at organising something.

                        Love the Grapevine but sometimes a bit of face to face - like the male/female thread shows - would be fun.
                        also what are male/female thread shows? Please excuse my ignorance.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
                          Hi Ruthie, I live in East Ayrshire - Kilmarnock for my sins I have not found a gardening club anywhere in East Ayrshire, if there are any they are probably affiliated to the 3 allotments within East Ayrshire. I believe there are a few gardening clubs in Ayr (there is definately one out by Whitletts) - if you are interested I will dig out the info I have. Can highly recommend the seed swapping board on this site
                          Hi, Frostiefreckle

                          Would love the info on the clubs. Ayr is only 5 miles away, but will try the site here.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ruthiebaby View Post
                            also what are male/female thread shows? Please excuse my ignorance.
                            There's a thread running on here where you tell people whether you are a boy or a girl!!! We don't actually SHOW anything [more's the pity]...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                              There's a thread running on here where you tell people whether you are a boy or a girl!!! We don't actually SHOW anything [more's the pity]...
                              I'm a girl! Last time I looked, anyway! Sometimes wish I wasn't, especially when washing up AGAIN, or cooking, housework etc. Men seem to have it so easy sometimes. Anyway, maybe it's a good job you don't show anything---could see some awful sights......


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