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White grape vine cuttings


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  • White grape vine cuttings

    Hiya all

    Due to an apparent disbelief that I can make anything grow I took 5 cuttings from my mum’s grapevine. Surprisingly the little buggers are all rooting so I’m offering the 4 spare cuttings if anyone should like them.

    I don’t know the name of the variety but the grapes are white and tart, very nice to eat right off the vine. The original vine was kept in an unheated greenhouse for the better part of 15 years and no pesticides etc have ever been used on either the original or the cuttings.

    The cuttings are available to anyone that wants them (to pickup or if you tell me how to safely mail them and I will arrange that) but if anyone would like to trade for say a cutting from another kind of fruit (apricot etc) I would be grateful (just getting started!).

    If you need any pics before let me know! (Some have leaves and roots others just roots)


    Last edited by too many weeds; 11-09-2009, 01:39 PM.

  • #2
    I'll take one if I may TMW, I will PM you re details.
    Bob Leponge
    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


    • #3
      Me as well please, I've sent you a PM. Thanks xx


      • #4
        Hiya all,

        I�m in shock and awe about how quickly these have gone , but if anyone does still want a cutting I can always take some more next time I go down so give me a yell, I�m taking requests � within reason, I can�t decimate the vine, I�ll get shot :P




        • #5
          I have 3 left from the ones I took for the church fete if anyone missed out on the above. They are in 6-7 inch pots though, and quite tall, so would probably cost quite a bit in postage. The variety is Himrod, and they are small seedless outdoor grapes. The parent ones are just ripening now, sweet and juicy.
          I usually take ripe cuttings when I prune the parent vine in the winter. These prunings could be sent out as sticks for people to try for themselves, at much less postage. They don't usually root much before May, I just stick them in old pots of compost and keep them moist. I had 100% success rate this year!
          pm me if interested
          Last edited by BarleySugar; 13-09-2009, 02:20 PM.
          I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
          Now a little Shrinking Violet.


          • #6
            if there is still one or two available can I have one please when you are next able to get one? do you need anything to swap?
            Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see. - Celestine Prophecy 1st insight

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            • #7
              Hiya Wheels

              Is that to BarleySugar or myself?

              If to me then OC I�ll grab you a cutting when I�m next there, as for trade, if you have any fruit or something that you would be willing to take a cutting of (baring apples - oh is allergic) then that would be amazing, if not then no stress.




              • #8
                too many weeds... if you could that would be great. The only fruit things I have is strawberry plants (which there are many of and I'd be very willing to send a few) and a thornless blackberry bush ... if I can find a point where it's routed a second time (which it does frequently) then I can send you one of them. Let me know if you're interested. I'll PM you with my address.

                Many thanks
                Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see. - Celestine Prophecy 1st insight

                Visit my blog:


                • #9
                  I would love a couple of cuttings as well please, thank you for considering.
                  Peaceful days are in the garden!


                  • #10
                    could you tell me how you take cuttings from grapevines as i have a few different kinds of vines and it would be good to take cuttings and i would be happy to do some for anyone who would like any,the types i have are gagarin blue,aurore,boskoops glory,brandt,marochhal foch (good chance i spelt the last one wrong)
                    any advice would be most helpfull


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nomad View Post
                      hello could you tell me how you take cuttings from grapevines ... any advice would be most helpful cheers
                      Me too please but to make it more complicated, I cannot prune until April by which time they are nearly in bud.
                      I am trying layering at present, it appears that there shoots coming up and there are also bunches of grapes on the ground.



                      • #12
                        Too many weeds

                        Many thanks, it arrived and is planted. Ta, your swaps will be over shortly.
                        Bob Leponge
                        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                        • #13
                          Hiya there

                          Sorry for the late reply to the questions but embarrassingly I�ve only just seen them

                          In answer to how to take cuttings, I took mine from just below a bud to ensure they had �green growth� (is that the right phrase?) and then stripped off the larger leaves, then simply stuck it in some potting soil in my greenhouse and left it to see what happens.
                          Sorry I can�t be more help than that, I think that my cuttings took was simply beginners luck (that and the vine simply won�t die, after abuse from us kids for 10 years I think it�s become a survival specialist lol)

                          Just a quick note to everyone who received a cutting to see how they�re doing? And also to let you know I have 2 more cuttings that have taken root if anyone wants to swap for fruit etc




                          • #14
                            I have come in to late on this thread, and Im sure that all the cuttings have now gone, but if by any chance there are any left, I would LOVE a cutting to try growing Grapes, they are my favorite, and would love to grow a big bushall, and then in future return the favour by sending out some cuttings. Would even try making some home made wine!!! Anyway, please, please, please, please, can someone send me a cutting of a grape vine, root! Let me know who I need to PM to send over my details, if possible!!

                            An atheist is someone who denies altogether the existence of God. I'm an agnostic. An agnostic is someone who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny the possibility that God exists.



                            • #15
                              If the offer is still avilable for people to strike cutings themselves please can I be added to the list. have red and white currants for anyone wishing to have a go. Valerie


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