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Sugar Pie Pumpkin for SAE - no swaps needed


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  • Sugar Pie Pumpkin for SAE - no swaps needed

    I've just spent half an hour digging out the contents of the above pumpkin; these seeds were given to me by Piglet Willie and I've saved some for him; but I got about 8 pumpkins so there's plenty for other Grapes if wanted.

    Probably enough for about 10 people to have 10-ish seeds.

    PM me for my address if you want any - I'll need an SAE sending to me.

    I don't want any swaps - so please don't list any - I really have more seeds than I can grow next year and don't need any more encouragement.

    Sugar Pie Pumpkin - traditionally the best for pumpkin told to me by the Piglet himself. Grows around 9inches in diameter - no giant but the insides smell lovely and the flesh is smooth so all is going well so far. Will have results on the pie quality sometime this weekend.

  • #2
    Would love some - will pm you.


    • #3
      me too please! will pm you - thanks


      • #4
        I would love to try a different variety if that was possible?

        Sure you dont want some giant pumpkin seed? Make a good christmas pressy for young kids.

        Will pm you

        My 3D Pumpkin Carvings

        2014 Giant Pumpkin Diary


        • #5
          Sounds lovely, have also PMd you
          I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
          Now a little Shrinking Violet.


          • #6
            have pm'd you Valerie


            • #7
              They sound lovely, hope I am not too late
              Will of course send SAE


              • #8
                I'd like some too, can you add it to the SAE on the way to you?


                • #9
                  I have to say - this pumpkin is totally gorgeous in a pie.

                  I scooped out the insides, put into foil and roasted for about 30 mins. Then left in the fridge and the next day, put into a bowl and just squished it down - no need to put through a sieve or liquidise. Really smooth.

                  OH has asked will I be making more - which is always a good sign.

                  I never thought it would taste so good - I didn't use a recipe either - just chucked some sugar in, a bit of allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon and a dash of cream.

                  Originally posted by Bramble_killer View Post
                  I'd like some too, can you add it to the SAE on the way to you?
                  I'll do what I can but I have about 30 on the way depends if I can remember. This is why I ask for people to put what they want on the envelope........


                  • #10
                    I came good with that one eh?

                    Thanks for saving me some seeds chuck.


                    • #11
                      Good - they're bloomin brilliant. Never thought the OH would be asking me to make more pumpkin pie as he's always been a bit iffy with squash but he's converted

                      Seeds will be posted to you soon. xxx


                      • #12
                        hi, is there any more available please?? i had pumpkin soup the other day and surprised myself by liking it!!!

                        I have dyslexia so please excuse my spelling and grammar


                        • #13
                          Hi there, are these all gone? Would love a few seeds to try if you've any left - Mrs Avinabacca's a big fan of pumpkin pie, and if Sugar Pie are as good as they're supposed to be, it'd be good to give them a go!

                          Will PM you.....


                          • #14
                            Hope I'm not too late. Sugar Pie sounds gorgeous!
                            I'll pm you.


                            • #15
                              All gone now folks. Sorry.


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